Browse Source

- 利用QtObject整合Style.qml与Config.qml,重构ADVP接口

- 优化样式初始化过程与设置项存储
- 规范文件命名
mashiros 2 years ago
  1. BIN
  2. BIN
  3. BIN
  4. 5
  5. 5
  6. 5
  7. 5
  8. 5
  9. 5
  10. 26
  11. 19
  12. 39
  13. 91
  14. 2
  15. 4
  16. 9
  17. 111
  18. 129
  19. 139
  20. 166
  21. 161
  22. 190
  23. 150
  24. 174
  25. 139
  26. 166
  27. 53
  28. 171


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
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@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
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<value name="nvg://">{"__version":"1.0.0","__cfg_height":660,"Gradient Direction":0,"Start Position Color":"#f44336","Middle Position Color":"#4caf50","End Position Color":"#03a9f4","Center Line":true,"Line Position":0,"Data Length":0,"Channel":2,"Reverse":false,"Rotate Settings":{"Center Enable":false,"Center Angle":10,"Line Enable":false,"Line Angle":10},"Data Settings":{"Auto Normalizing":true,"Amplitude":10,"Unit Style":0}}</value>
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@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
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<value name="nvg://">{"__version":"1.0.0","__cfg_height":580,"Center Line":true,"Center Color":"#ff4500","Line Color":"#ff4500","Line Position":0,"Data Length":0,"Channel":2,"Reverse":false,"Rotate Settings":{"Center Enable":false,"Center Angle":10,"Line Enable":false,"Line Angle":10},"Data Settings":{"Auto Normalizing":true,"Amplitude":10,"Unit Style":0}}</value>
<value name="styles">{"index":0}</value>
<value name="current_style">"nvg://"</value>
<value name="nvg://">{"Center Line":true,"Center Color":"#ff4500","Line Color":"#ff4500","Line Position":0,"Data Length":0,"Channel":2,"Reverse":false,"Rotate Settings":{"Center Enable":false,"Center Angle":10,"Line Enable":false,"Line Angle":10},"Data Settings":{"Auto Normalizing":true,"Amplitude":10,"Unit Style":0}}</value>
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@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
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<value name="current_style">"nvg://"</value>
<value name="nvg://">{"__version":"1.0.0","__cfg_height":710,"Bass Color":"#dc143c","Alto Color":"#f8f8ff","Treble Color":"#4169e1","Bass AM":100,"Alto AM":150,"Treble AM":200,"Static AM":25,"Speed":20,"Data Settings":{"Auto Normalizing":true,"Amplitude":10}}</value>
<value name="current_style">"nvg://"</value>
<value name="nvg://">{"Bass Color":"#dc143c","Alto Color":"#f8f8ff","Treble Color":"#4169e1","Bass AM":100,"Alto AM":150,"Treble AM":200,"Static AM":25,"Speed":20,"Data Settings":{"Auto Normalizing":true,"Amplitude":10}}</value>


@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
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<value name="current_style">"nvg://"</value>
<value name="nvg://">{"Main Color":"#ff4500","Line Position":0,"Line Width":1,"Max Range":50,"Data Length":0,"Channel":2,"Reverse":false,"Rotate":false,"Ratate Speed":10,"Angle":0,"Data Settings":{"Auto Normalizing":true,"Amplitude":10,"Unit Style":0}}</value>


@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
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<value name="current_style">"nvg://"</value>
<value name="nvg://">{"__version":"1.0.0","__cfg_height":580,"Line Width":1,"Line Color":"#ff4500","Data Settings":{"Auto Normalizing":true,"Amplitude":10}}</value>
<value name="current_style">"nvg://"</value>
<value name="nvg://">{"Line Width":1,"Line Color":"#ff4500","Data Length":0,"Data Settings":{"Auto Normalizing":true,"Amplitude":10,"Unit Style":0}}</value>


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "top.mashiros.widget.advp",
"version": "1.1.0",
"version": "1.2.0",
"title": {
"en": "ADV Plugin",
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
"zh_TW": "預置 線",
"ja": "プリセット 線"
"entry": "./styles/Preset_line"
"entry": "./styles/Preset_line/Style.qml"
"location": "/advp-style-preset/gradient_line",
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"zh_TW": "預置 漸變線",
"ja": "プリセット グラデーションライン"
"entry": "./styles/Preset_gradient_line"
"entry": "./styles/Preset_gradient_line/Style.qml"
"location": "/advp-style-preset/waves",
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
"zh_TW": "預置 波浪",
"ja": "プリセット 波浪"
"entry": "./styles/Preset_waves"
"entry": "./styles/Preset_waves/Style.qml"
"location": "/advp-style-preset/circle",
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
"zh_TW": "預置 圓",
"ja": "プリセット 円"
"entry": "./styles/Preset_circle"
"entry": "./styles/Preset_circle/Style.qml"
"location": "/advp-style-preset/solidcircle",
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
"zh_TW": "預置 實心圓",
"ja": "プリセット 固形円"
"entry": "./styles/Preset_solidcircle"
"entry": "./styles/Preset_solidcircle/Style.qml"
"location": "/advp-style-preset/ordinal_scale_ui_bottom",
@ -114,10 +114,10 @@
"zh_TW": "預置 序列之爭底部UI",
"ja": "プリセット オーディナル・スケール- UI 下部"
"entry": "./styles/Preset_Ordinal_Scale_UI_bottom"
"entry": "./styles/Preset_Ordinal_Scale_UI_bottom/Style.qml"
"location": "/preset/advp-style-preset_line",
"location": "/preset/advp-style-preset/line",
"catalog": "preset/widget",
"title": {
"en": "ADV Preset Line",
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
"entry": "Presets/Line/preset.json"
"location": "/preset/advp-style-preset_gradient_line",
"location": "/preset/advp-style-preset/gradient_line",
"catalog": "preset/widget",
"title": {
"en": "ADV Preset Gradient Line",
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
"entry": "Presets/Gradient_Line/preset.json"
"location": "/preset/advp-style-preset_waves",
"location": "/preset/advp-style-preset/waves",
"catalog": "preset/widget",
"title": {
"en": "ADV Preset Waves",
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
"entry": "Presets/Waves/preset.json"
"location": "/preset/advp-style-preset_circle",
"location": "/preset/advp-style-preset/circle",
"catalog": "preset/widget",
"title": {
"en": "ADV Preset Circle",
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
"entry": "Presets/Circle/preset.json"
"location": "/preset/advp-style-preset_solidcircle",
"location": "/preset/advp-style-preset/solidcircle",
"catalog": "preset/widget",
"title": {
"en": "ADV Preset Solid-circle",
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
"entry": "Presets/Solidcircle/preset.json"
"location": "/preset/advp-style-preset_ordinal_scale_ui_bottom",
"location": "/preset/advp-style-preset/ordinal_scale_ui_bottom",
"catalog": "preset/widget",
"title": {
"en": "ADV Preset Ordinal Scale UI bottom",


@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import NERvGear 1.0 as NVG
Item {
readonly property var styles: []
readonly property var stylesURL: []
readonly property var stylesCFG: []
property int widgetsNum: 0
@ -103,20 +102,9 @@ Item {
return 0;
resource_list.forEach(function (resource) {
let name = resource.title;
let styleURL = "";
let styleCFG = "";
resource.files().forEach(function (file) {
if (file.entry === "Style.qml") {
styleURL = String(file.url);
} else if (file.entry === "Config.qml") {
styleCFG = String(file.url);
if (styleURL && stylesURL.indexOf(styleURL) === -1) {
if (resource.url && stylesURL.indexOf(resource.url.toString()) === -1) {
@ -124,7 +112,6 @@ Item {
function updateStyleList() {
styles.length = 0;
stylesURL.length = 0;
stylesCFG.length = 0;
const preset_list = NVG.Resources.filter(/, /top.mashiros.advp-style/);
parse_resource(preset_list, true);
const third_list = NVG.Resources.filter(/.*/, /top.mashiros.advp-style/);


@ -15,27 +15,34 @@ T.Widget {
property bool initial: true
function setStyleURL(url) {
styleLoader.source = url;
property Component style
property Component preference
property var defaultValues
Loader {
id: styleDialog
active: false
visible: false
sourceComponent: StylePreferences {
transientParent: widget.NVG.View.window
Loader {
id: styleObjectLoader
enabled: true
source: Qt.resolvedUrl(widget.settings.current_style)
onLoaded: {
if(initial) { = false;
styleDialog.visible = true;
initial = false;
} else {
item.visible = true;
preference = item.preference;
defaultValues = item.defaultValues;
style =;
if (!widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style]) {
widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style] = defaultValues;
}else if(widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style]["Version"] !== defaultValues["Version"]) {
delete widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style]["__cfg_height"];
delete widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style]["Version"];
widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style] = Object.assign(defaultValues, widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style]);
@ -44,7 +51,7 @@ T.Widget {
id: styleLoader
enabled: true
source: ""
sourceComponent: style
menu: Menu {
@ -53,14 +60,16 @@ T.Widget {
enabled: !
onTriggered: {
Common.updateStyleList(); = true = true;
Component.onCompleted: { = true;
if ((!widget.settings.current_style) || (Common.stylesURL.indexOf(widget.settings.current_style) === -1)) {
widget.settings.current_style = Common.stylesURL[0];
Component.onDestruction: {


@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import "."
NVG.Window {
id: window
title: qsTr("ADV-Plugin: Settings")
visible: false
visible: true
minimumWidth: 480
minimumHeight: 580
width: minimumWidth
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ NVG.Window {
property var configuration
property var old_style_cfg
property int last_style_index
Page {
id: cfg_page
@ -38,22 +38,15 @@ NVG.Window {
standardButtons: Dialog.Save | Dialog.Reset
onAccepted: {
configuration =;
let index = configuration["index"];
widget.settings[Common.stylesURL[index]] = configuration[Common.stylesURL[index]];
delete configuration[Common.stylesURL[index]];
widget.settings.styles = configuration;
widget.settings.current_style = Common.stylesURL[index];
let cfg =;
widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style] = cfg[widget.settings.current_style]; = false;
onReset: {
let cfg =;
let index = cfg["index"];
widget.settings[Common.stylesURL[index]] = cfg[Common.stylesURL[index]];
widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style] = cfg[widget.settings.current_style];
@ -82,18 +75,13 @@ NVG.Window {
label: qsTr("Configuration")
onPreferenceEdited: {
let cfg =;
let index = cfg["index"];
if (widget.settings.styles["index"] !== index) {
widget.settings[Common.stylesURL[widget.settings.styles["index"]]] = old_style_cfg;
old_style_cfg = widget.settings[Common.stylesURL[index]];
if (widget.settings.current_style !== Common.stylesURL[styleList.value]) {
widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style] = old_style_cfg;
old_style_cfg = widget.settings[Common.stylesURL[styleList.value]];
widget.settings.current_style = Common.stylesURL[styleList.value];
widget.settings[Common.stylesURL[index]] = cfg[Common.stylesURL[index]];
delete cfg[Common.stylesURL[index]];
widget.settings.styles = cfg;
let cfg =;
widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style] = cfg[widget.settings.current_style];
P.SelectPreference {
@ -108,24 +96,21 @@ NVG.Window {
P.Separator {}
P.PreferenceLoader {
id: styleLoader
name: Common.stylesURL[styleList.value]
source: Qt.resolvedUrl(Common.stylesCFG[styleList.value])
id: stylePreferenceLoader
name: widget.settings.current_style
sourceComponent: preference
onLoaded: {
let cfg = save();
if (!widget.settings[Common.stylesURL[styleList.value]]) {
widget.settings[Common.stylesURL[styleList.value]] = cfg;
} else if(widget.settings[Common.stylesURL[styleList.value]]["__version"] === cfg["__version"]) {
} else {
widget.settings[Common.stylesURL[styleList.value]] = cfg;
window.minimumHeight = cfg["__cfg_height"];
onContentItemChanged: {
if(contentItem) {
contentItem.label = Common.styles[styleList.value];
let index = Common.stylesURL.indexOf(widget.settings.current_style);
if (index === -1)
index = 0;
contentItem.label = Common.styles[index];
@ -133,30 +118,14 @@ NVG.Window {
P.Separator {}
Component.onCompleted: {
if(!widget.settings.styles) {
configuration =;
let index = configuration["index"];
widget.settings[Common.stylesURL[index]] = configuration[Common.stylesURL[index]];
old_style_cfg = configuration[Common.stylesURL[index]];
delete configuration[Common.stylesURL[index]];
widget.settings.current_style = Common.stylesURL[index];
widget.settings.styles = configuration;
last_style_index = Common.stylesURL.indexOf(widget.settings.current_style);
if (last_style_index === -1) {
last_style_index = 0;
widget.settings.current_style = Common.stylesURL[0];
let index = Common.stylesURL.indexOf(widget.settings.current_style);
if (index === -1) {
index = 0;
widget.settings.current_style = Common.stylesURL[index];
widget.settings.styles["index"] = index;
configuration = widget.settings.styles;
old_style_cfg = widget.settings[Common.stylesURL[index]];
rootPreference.load({"index": last_style_index});
old_style_cfg = widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style];
@ -165,10 +134,8 @@ NVG.Window {
onClosing: {
widget.settings[Common.stylesURL[widget.settings.styles["index"]]] = old_style_cfg;
widget.settings.styles = configuration;
widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style] = old_style_cfg;
widget.settings.current_style = Common.stylesURL[last_style_index] = false;

qml/api/StyleAPI.qml → qml/api/AdvpCanvasTemplate.qml

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Canvas {
signal audioDataUpdeted(var data)
signal configsUpdated()
property var configs: widget.settings[Common.stylesURL[widget.settings.styles["index"]]]
readonly property var configs: widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style] ?? defaultValues
onConfigsChanged: {
if (context) {

qml/api/CfgAPI.qml → qml/api/AdvpPreference.qml

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ P.DialogPreference {
property int cfg_height: 580
P.TextFieldPreference {
name: "__version"
name: "Version"
visible: false
enabled: false
defaultValue: version
@ -39,5 +39,5 @@ P.DialogPreference {
P.Separator {}
P.Separator {visible: version}


@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
QtObject {
property Component style
property var defaultValues
property Component preference


@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "../../qml/api" //CfgAPI.qml
CfgAPI {
version: "1.0.0"
cfg_height: 710
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Bass Color"
label: qsTr("Bass Line Color")
defaultValue: "#DC143C"
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Alto Color"
label: qsTr("Alto Line Color")
defaultValue: "#F8F8FF"
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Treble Color"
label: qsTr("Treble Line Color")
defaultValue: "#4169E1"
P.Separator {}
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Bass AM"
label: qsTr("Bass Amplitude")
from: 10
to: 300
stepSize: 5
defaultValue: 100
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Alto AM"
label: qsTr("Alto Amplitude")
from: 10
to: 300
stepSize: 5
defaultValue: 150
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Treble AM"
label: qsTr("Treble Amplitude")
from: 10
to: 300
stepSize: 5
defaultValue: 200
displayValue: value + "%"
P.Separator {}
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Static AM"
label: qsTr("Static Amplitude")
from: 5
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 15
displayValue: value + "%"
P.Separator {}
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Speed"
label: qsTr("Wave Speed")
from: 1
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 20
displayValue: value + "%"
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Data Settings"
label: qsTr("Data Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_osui_dataSettings_autoNormalizing
name: "Auto Normalizing"
label: qsTr("Auto Normalizing")
defaultValue: true
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Amplitude"
label: qsTr("Amplitude Ratio")
enabled: !_cfg_preset_osui_dataSettings_autoNormalizing.value
message: "1 to 100"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: true
from: 1
to: 100
defaultValue: 10


@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "../../qml/api"
StyleAPI {
AdvpStyleTemplate {
style: AdvpCanvasTemplate {
readonly property var audioData: new Array(128)
@ -121,3 +122,127 @@ StyleAPI {
defaultValues: {
"Version": "1.0.0",
"Bass Color": "#dc143c",
"Alto Color": "#f8f8ff",
"Treble Color": "#4169e1",
"Bass AM": 100,
"Alto AM": 150,
"Treble AM": 200,
"Static AM": 25,
"Speed": 20,
"Data Settings": {
"Auto Normalizing": true,
"Amplitude": 10
preference: AdvpPreference {
version: defaultValues["Version"]
cfg_height: 680
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Bass Color"
label: qsTr("Bass Line Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Bass Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Alto Color"
label: qsTr("Alto Line Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Alto Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Treble Color"
label: qsTr("Treble Line Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Treble Color"]
P.Separator {}
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Bass AM"
label: qsTr("Bass Amplitude")
from: 10
to: 300
stepSize: 5
defaultValue: defaultValues["Bass AM"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Alto AM"
label: qsTr("Alto Amplitude")
from: 10
to: 300
stepSize: 5
defaultValue: defaultValues["Alto AM"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Treble AM"
label: qsTr("Treble Amplitude")
from: 10
to: 300
stepSize: 5
defaultValue: defaultValues["Treble AM"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.Separator {}
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Static AM"
label: qsTr("Static Amplitude")
from: 5
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Static AM"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.Separator {}
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Speed"
label: qsTr("Wave Speed")
from: 1
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Speed"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Data Settings"
label: qsTr("Data Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_osui_dataSettings_autoNormalizing
name: "Auto Normalizing"
label: qsTr("Auto Normalizing")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Auto Normalizing"]
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Amplitude"
label: qsTr("Amplitude Ratio")
enabled: !_cfg_preset_osui_dataSettings_autoNormalizing.value
message: "1 to 100"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: true
from: 1
to: 100
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Amplitude"]


@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "../../qml/api" //CfgAPI.qml
CfgAPI {
version: "1.0.0"
cfg_height: 740
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Main Color"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Color")
defaultValue: "#FF4500"
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Line Position"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Position")
defaultValue: 0
model: [qsTr("Both"), qsTr("Outside"), qsTr("Inside")]
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Line Width"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Width")
from: 0.1
to: 10
stepSize: 0.1
defaultValue: 1
displayValue: value.toFixed(1) + "px"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Max Range"
label: qsTr("Max Amplitude")
from: 0
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 50
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Data Length"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Length")
defaultValue: 0
model: [64, 32, 16, 8]
P.Separator {}
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Channel"
label: qsTr("Channel")
message: "1 to 2"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: false
from: 1
to: 2
defaultValue: 2
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
name: "Reverse"
label: qsTr("Reverse Spectrum")
defaultValue: false
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_rotate
name: "Rotate"
label: qsTr("Auto Rotate")
defaultValue: false
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Ratate Speed"
label: qsTr("Ratate Speed")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_rotate.value
from: 1
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 10
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Angle"
label: qsTr("Initial Angle")
message: "0 to 359"
enabled: !_cfg_preset_line_rotate.value
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: true
from: 0
to: 359
defaultValue: 0
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Data Settings"
label: qsTr("Data Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_circle_dataSettings_autoNormalizing
name: "Auto Normalizing"
label: qsTr("Auto Normalizing")
defaultValue: true
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Amplitude"
label: qsTr("Amplitude Ratio")
enabled: !_cfg_preset_circle_dataSettings_autoNormalizing.value
message: "1 to 100"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: true
from: 1
to: 100
defaultValue: 10
P.Separator {}
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Unit Style"
label: qsTr("Display Style")
defaultValue: 0
model: [qsTr("Linear"), qsTr("Decibel")]


@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "../../qml/api"
StyleAPI {
AdvpStyleTemplate {
style: AdvpCanvasTemplate {
readonly property var audioData: new Array(128)
readonly property string color: configs["Main Color"]
readonly property int linePosition: configs["Line Position"]
readonly property real lineWidth: configs["Line Width"]
readonly property real maxRange: configs["Max Range"] / 100
readonly property int uDataLen: Math.pow(2, configs["Data Length"])
readonly property int dataLength: 64/uDataLen
@ -42,8 +41,8 @@ StyleAPI {
onConfigsUpdated: {
context.lineWidth = lineWidth;
context.strokeStyle = color;
context.lineWidth = configs["Line Width"];
context.strokeStyle = configs["Main Color"];
function getPos(r, deg) {
@ -130,3 +129,158 @@ StyleAPI {
defaultValues: {
"Version": "1.0.0",
"Main Color": "#ff4500",
"Line Position": 0,
"Line Width": 1,
"Max Range": 50,
"Data Length": 0,
"Channel": 2,
"Reverse": false,
"Rotate": false,
"Ratate Speed": 10,
"Angle": 0,
"Data Settings": {
"Auto Normalizing": true,
"Amplitude": 10,
"Unit Style": 0
preference: AdvpPreference {
version: defaultValues["Version"]
cfg_height: 740
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Main Color"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Main Color"]
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Line Position"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Position")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Line Position"]
model: [qsTr("Both"), qsTr("Outside"), qsTr("Inside")]
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Line Width"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Width")
from: 0.1
to: 10
stepSize: 0.1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Line Width"]
displayValue: value.toFixed(1) + "px"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Max Range"
label: qsTr("Max Amplitude")
from: 0
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Max Range"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Data Length"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Length")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Length"]
model: [64, 32, 16, 8]
P.Separator {}
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Channel"
label: qsTr("Channel")
message: "1 to 2"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: false
from: 1
to: 2
defaultValue: defaultValues["Channel"]
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
name: "Reverse"
label: qsTr("Reverse Spectrum")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Reverse"]
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_rotate
name: "Rotate"
label: qsTr("Auto Rotate")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate"]
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Ratate Speed"
label: qsTr("Ratate Speed")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_rotate.value
from: 1
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Ratate Speed"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Angle"
label: qsTr("Initial Angle")
message: "0 to 359"
enabled: !_cfg_preset_line_rotate.value
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: true
from: 0
to: 359
defaultValue: defaultValues["Angle"]
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Data Settings"
label: qsTr("Data Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_circle_dataSettings_autoNormalizing
name: "Auto Normalizing"
label: qsTr("Auto Normalizing")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Auto Normalizing"]
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Amplitude"
label: qsTr("Amplitude Ratio")
enabled: !_cfg_preset_circle_dataSettings_autoNormalizing.value
message: "1 to 100"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: true
from: 1
to: 100
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Amplitude"]
P.Separator {}
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Unit Style"
label: qsTr("Display Style")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Unit Style"]
model: [qsTr("Linear"), qsTr("Decibel")]


@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "../../qml/api" //CfgAPI.qml
CfgAPI {
version: "1.0.0"
cfg_height: 660
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Gradient Direction"
label: qsTr("Gradient Direction")
defaultValue: 0
model: [qsTr("Horizontal"), qsTr("Vertical"), qsTr("Oblique Upward"), qsTr("Oblique downward")]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Start Position Color"
label: qsTr("Start Position Color")
defaultValue: "#f44336"
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Middle Position Color"
label: qsTr("Middle Position Color")
defaultValue: "#4caf50"
P.ColorPreference {
name: "End Position Color"
label: qsTr("End Position Color")
defaultValue: "#03a9f4"
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
name: "Center Line"
label: qsTr("Show Center Line")
defaultValue: true
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Line Position"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Position")
defaultValue: 0
model: [qsTr("Both"), qsTr("Up"), qsTr("Down")]
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Data Length"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Length")
defaultValue: 0
model: [64, 32, 16, 8]
P.Separator {}
P.SpinPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Channel
name: "Channel"
label: qsTr("Channel")
message: "1 to 2"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: false
from: 1
to: 2
defaultValue: 2
P.SwitchPreference {
name: "Reverse"
label: qsTr("Reverse Spectrum")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Channel.value === 1
defaultValue: false
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Rotate Settings"
label: qsTr("Rotate Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable
name: "Center Enable"
label: qsTr("Rotate Center Line")
defaultValue: false
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Center Angle"
label: qsTr("Angle of Center Line")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable.value
from: -45
to: 45
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 10
displayValue: value + "°"
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable
name: "Line Enable"
label: qsTr("Rotate Spectrum Line")
defaultValue: false
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Line Angle"
label: qsTr("Angle of Spectrum Line")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable.value
from: -75
to: 75
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 10
displayValue: value + "°"
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Data Settings"
label: qsTr("Data Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_dataSettings_autoNormalizing
name: "Auto Normalizing"
label: qsTr("Auto Normalizing")
defaultValue: true
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Amplitude"
label: qsTr("Amplitude Ratio")
enabled: !_cfg_preset_line_dataSettings_autoNormalizing.value
message: "1 to 100"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: true
from: 1
to: 100
defaultValue: 10
P.Separator {}
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Unit Style"
label: qsTr("Display Style")
defaultValue: 0
model: [qsTr("Linear"), qsTr("Decibel")]


@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.12
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "../../qml/api" //CfgAPI.qml
import "../../qml/api"
Rectangle {
AdvpStyleTemplate {
style: Rectangle {
width: widget.width;
height: widget.height;
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Rectangle {
layer.enabled: true
layer.effect: OpacityMask{
maskSource: StyleAPI {
maskSource: AdvpCanvasTemplate {
readonly property var audioData: new Array(128)
readonly property bool centerLineFlag: configs["Center Line"]
@ -184,4 +184,184 @@ Rectangle {
defaultValues: {
"Version": "1.0.0",
"Gradient Direction": 0,
"Start Position Color": "#f44336",
"Middle Position Color": "#4caf50",
"End Position Color": "#03a9f4",
"Center Line": true,
"Line Position": 0,
"Data Length": 0,
"Channel": 2,
"Reverse": false,
"Rotate Settings": {
"Center Enable": false,
"Center Angle": 10,
"Line Enable": false,
"Line Angle": 10
"Data Settings": {
"Auto Normalizing": true,
"Amplitude": 10,
"Unit Style": 0
preference: AdvpPreference {
version: defaultValues["Version"]
cfg_height: 670
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Gradient Direction"
label: qsTr("Gradient Direction")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Gradient Direction"]
model: [qsTr("Horizontal"), qsTr("Vertical"), qsTr("Oblique Upward"), qsTr("Oblique downward")]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Start Position Color"
label: qsTr("Start Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Start Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Middle Position Color"
label: qsTr("Middle Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Middle Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "End Position Color"
label: qsTr("End Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["End Position Color"]
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
name: "Center Line"
label: qsTr("Show Center Line")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Center Line"]
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Line Position"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Position")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Line Position"]
model: [qsTr("Both"), qsTr("Up"), qsTr("Down")]
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Data Length"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Length")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Length"]
model: [64, 32, 16, 8]
P.Separator {}
P.SpinPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Channel
name: "Channel"
label: qsTr("Channel")
message: "1 to 2"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: false
from: 1
to: 2
defaultValue: defaultValues["Channel"]
P.SwitchPreference {
name: "Reverse"
label: qsTr("Reverse Spectrum")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Channel.value === 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Reverse"]
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Rotate Settings"
label: qsTr("Rotate Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable
name: "Center Enable"
label: qsTr("Rotate Center Line")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Center Enable"]
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Center Angle"
label: qsTr("Angle of Center Line")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable.value
from: -45
to: 45
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Center Angle"]
displayValue: value + "°"
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable
name: "Line Enable"
label: qsTr("Rotate Spectrum Line")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Line Enable"]
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Line Angle"
label: qsTr("Angle of Spectrum Line")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable.value
from: -75
to: 75
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Line Angle"]
displayValue: value + "°"
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Data Settings"
label: qsTr("Data Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_dataSettings_autoNormalizing
name: "Auto Normalizing"
label: qsTr("Auto Normalizing")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Auto Normalizing"]
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Amplitude"
label: qsTr("Amplitude Ratio")
enabled: !_cfg_preset_line_dataSettings_autoNormalizing.value
message: "1 to 100"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: true
from: 1
to: 100
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Amplitude"]
P.Separator {}
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Unit Style"
label: qsTr("Display Style")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Unit Style"]
model: [qsTr("Linear"), qsTr("Decibel")]


@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "../../qml/api" //CfgAPI.qml
CfgAPI {
version: "1.0.0"
cfg_height: 580
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Center_Line
name: "Center Line"
label: qsTr("Show Center Line")
defaultValue: true
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Center Color"
label: qsTr("Center Line Color")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Center_Line.value
defaultValue: "#FF4500"
P.Separator {}
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Line Color"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Color")
defaultValue: "#FF4500"
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Line Position"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Position")
defaultValue: 0
model: [qsTr("Both"), qsTr("Up"), qsTr("Down")]
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Data Length"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Length")
defaultValue: 0
model: [64, 32, 16, 8]
P.Separator {}
P.SpinPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Channel
name: "Channel"
label: qsTr("Channel")
message: "1 to 2"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: false
from: 1
to: 2
defaultValue: 2
P.SwitchPreference {
name: "Reverse"
label: qsTr("Reverse Spectrum")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Channel.value === 1
defaultValue: false
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Rotate Settings"
label: qsTr("Rotate Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable
name: "Center Enable"
label: qsTr("Rotate Center Line")
defaultValue: false
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Center Angle"
label: qsTr("Angle of Center Line")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable.value
from: -45
to: 45
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 10
displayValue: value + "°"
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable
name: "Line Enable"
label: qsTr("Rotate Spectrum Line")
defaultValue: false
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Line Angle"
label: qsTr("Angle of Spectrum Line")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable.value
from: -75
to: 75
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 10
displayValue: value + "°"
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Data Settings"
label: qsTr("Data Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_dataSettings_autoNormalizing
name: "Auto Normalizing"
label: qsTr("Auto Normalizing")
defaultValue: true
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Amplitude"
label: qsTr("Amplitude Ratio")
enabled: !_cfg_preset_line_dataSettings_autoNormalizing.value
message: "1 to 100"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: true
from: 1
to: 100
defaultValue: 10
P.Separator {}
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Unit Style"
label: qsTr("Display Style")
defaultValue: 0
model: [qsTr("Linear"), qsTr("Decibel")]


@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "../../qml/api"
StyleAPI {
AdvpStyleTemplate {
style: AdvpCanvasTemplate {
readonly property var audioData: new Array(128)
readonly property bool centerLineFlag: configs["Center Line"]
@ -161,3 +162,172 @@ StyleAPI {
defaultValues: {
"Version": "1.0.0",
"Center Line": true,
"Center Color": "#ff4500",
"Line Color": "#ff4500",
"Line Position": 0,
"Data Length": 0,
"Channel": 2,
"Reverse": false,
"Rotate Settings": {
"Center Enable": false,
"Center Angle": 10,
"Line Enable": false,
"Line Angle": 10
"Data Settings": {
"Auto Normalizing": true,
"Amplitude": 10,
"Unit Style": 0
preference: AdvpPreference {
version: defaultValues["Version"]
cfg_height: 580
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Center_Line
name: "Center Line"
label: qsTr("Show Center Line")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Center Line"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Center Color"
label: qsTr("Center Line Color")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Center_Line.value
defaultValue: defaultValues["Center Color"]
P.Separator {}
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Line Color"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Line Color"]
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Line Position"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Position")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Line Position"]
model: [qsTr("Both"), qsTr("Up"), qsTr("Down")]
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Data Length"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Length")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Length"]
model: [64, 32, 16, 8]
P.Separator {}
P.SpinPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Channel
name: "Channel"
label: qsTr("Channel")
message: "1 to 2"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: false
from: 1
to: 2
defaultValue: defaultValues["Channel"]
P.SwitchPreference {
name: "Reverse"
label: qsTr("Reverse Spectrum")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Channel.value === 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Reverse"]
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Rotate Settings"
label: qsTr("Rotate Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable
name: "Center Enable"
label: qsTr("Rotate Center Line")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Center Enable"]
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Center Angle"
label: qsTr("Angle of Center Line")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable.value
from: -45
to: 45
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Center Angle"]
displayValue: value + "°"
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable
name: "Line Enable"
label: qsTr("Rotate Spectrum Line")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Line Enable"]
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Line Angle"
label: qsTr("Angle of Spectrum Line")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable.value
from: -75
to: 75
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Line Angle"]
displayValue: value + "°"
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Data Settings"
label: qsTr("Data Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_dataSettings_autoNormalizing
name: "Auto Normalizing"
label: qsTr("Auto Normalizing")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Auto Normalizing"]
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Amplitude"
label: qsTr("Amplitude Ratio")
enabled: !_cfg_preset_line_dataSettings_autoNormalizing.value
message: "1 to 100"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: true
from: 1
to: 100
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Amplitude"]
P.Separator {}
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Unit Style"
label: qsTr("Display Style")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Unit Style"]
model: [qsTr("Linear"), qsTr("Decibel")]


@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "../../qml/api" //CfgAPI.qml
CfgAPI {
version: "1.0.0"
cfg_height: 740
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Main Color"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Color")
defaultValue: "#FF4500"
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Line Position"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Position")
defaultValue: 0
model: [qsTr("Both"), qsTr("Outside"), qsTr("Inside")]
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Line Width"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Width")
from: 0.1
to: 4
stepSize: 0.1
defaultValue: 1
displayValue: value.toFixed(1) + "px"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Max Range"
label: qsTr("Max Amplitude")
from: 0
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 50
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Data Length"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Length")
defaultValue: 0
model: [64, 32, 16, 8]
P.Separator {}
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Channel"
label: qsTr("Channel")
message: "1 to 2"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: false
from: 1
to: 2
defaultValue: 2
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
name: "Reverse"
label: qsTr("Reverse Spectrum")
defaultValue: false
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_rotate
name: "Rotate"
label: qsTr("Auto Rotate")
defaultValue: false
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Ratate Speed"
label: qsTr("Ratate Speed")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_rotate.value
from: 1
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 10
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Angle"
label: qsTr("Initial Angle")
message: "0 to 359"
enabled: !_cfg_preset_line_rotate.value
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: true
from: 0
to: 359
defaultValue: 0
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Data Settings"
label: qsTr("Data Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_solidcircle_dataSettings_autoNormalizing
name: "Auto Normalizing"
label: qsTr("Auto Normalizing")
defaultValue: true
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Amplitude"
label: qsTr("Amplitude Ratio")
enabled: !_cfg_preset_solidcircle_dataSettings_autoNormalizing.value
message: "1 to 100"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: true
from: 1
to: 100
defaultValue: 10
P.Separator {}
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Unit Style"
label: qsTr("Display Style")
defaultValue: 0
model: [qsTr("Linear"), qsTr("Decibel")]


@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "../../qml/api"
StyleAPI {
AdvpStyleTemplate {
style: AdvpCanvasTemplate {
readonly property var audioData: new Array(128)
readonly property string color: configs["Main Color"]
readonly property int linePosition: configs["Line Position"]
readonly property real lineWidth: configs["Line Width"]
readonly property real maxRange: configs["Max Range"] / 100
readonly property int uDataLen: Math.pow(2, configs["Data Length"])
readonly property int dataLength: 64/uDataLen
@ -42,8 +41,8 @@ StyleAPI {
onConfigsUpdated: {
context.lineWidth = lineWidth;
context.strokeStyle = color;
context.lineWidth = configs["Line Width"];
context.strokeStyle = configs["Main Color"];
function getPos(r, deg) {
@ -147,3 +146,158 @@ StyleAPI {
defaultValues: {
"Version": "1.0.0",
"Main Color": "#ff4500",
"Line Position": 0,
"Line Width": 1,
"Max Range": 50,
"Data Length": 0,
"Channel": 2,
"Reverse": false,
"Rotate": false,
"Ratate Speed": 10,
"Angle": 0,
"Data Settings": {
"Auto Normalizing": true,
"Amplitude": 10,
"Unit Style": 0
preference: AdvpPreference {
version: defaultValues["Version"]
cfg_height: 740
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Main Color"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Main Color"]
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Line Position"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Position")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Line Position"]
model: [qsTr("Both"), qsTr("Outside"), qsTr("Inside")]
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Line Width"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Width")
from: 0.1
to: 10
stepSize: 0.1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Line Width"]
displayValue: value.toFixed(1) + "px"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Max Range"
label: qsTr("Max Amplitude")
from: 0
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Max Range"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Data Length"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Length")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Length"]
model: [64, 32, 16, 8]
P.Separator {}
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Channel"
label: qsTr("Channel")
message: "1 to 2"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: false
from: 1
to: 2
defaultValue: defaultValues["Channel"]
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
name: "Reverse"
label: qsTr("Reverse Spectrum")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Reverse"]
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_rotate
name: "Rotate"
label: qsTr("Auto Rotate")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate"]
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Ratate Speed"
label: qsTr("Ratate Speed")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_rotate.value
from: 1
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Ratate Speed"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Angle"
label: qsTr("Initial Angle")
message: "0 to 359"
enabled: !_cfg_preset_line_rotate.value
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: true
from: 0
to: 359
defaultValue: defaultValues["Angle"]
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Data Settings"
label: qsTr("Data Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_circle_dataSettings_autoNormalizing
name: "Auto Normalizing"
label: qsTr("Auto Normalizing")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Auto Normalizing"]
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Amplitude"
label: qsTr("Amplitude Ratio")
enabled: !_cfg_preset_circle_dataSettings_autoNormalizing.value
message: "1 to 100"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: true
from: 1
to: 100
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Amplitude"]
P.Separator {}
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Unit Style"
label: qsTr("Display Style")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Unit Style"]
model: [qsTr("Linear"), qsTr("Decibel")]


@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "../../qml/api" //CfgAPI.qml
CfgAPI {
version: "1.0.0"
cfg_height: 580
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Line Width"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Width")
from: 0.1
to: 4
stepSize: 0.1
defaultValue: 1
displayValue: value.toFixed(1) + "px"
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Line Color"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Color")
defaultValue: "#FF4500"
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Data Settings"
label: qsTr("Data Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_dataSettings_autoNormalizing
name: "Auto Normalizing"
label: qsTr("Auto Normalizing")
defaultValue: true
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Amplitude"
label: qsTr("Amplitude Ratio")
enabled: !_cfg_preset_line_dataSettings_autoNormalizing.value
message: "1 to 100"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: true
from: 1
to: 100
defaultValue: 10


@ -1,41 +1,99 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "../../qml/api"
StyleAPI {
AdvpStyleTemplate {
style: AdvpCanvasTemplate {
readonly property var audioData: new Array(128)
readonly property real lineWidth: configs["Line Width"]
readonly property string line_color: configs["Line Color"]
readonly property bool autoNormalizing: configs["Data Settings"]["Auto Normalizing"]
readonly property real amplitude: configs["Data Settings"]["Amplitude"] / 400.0
readonly property real ux: width/129
readonly property int uDataLen: Math.pow(2, configs["Data Length"]);
readonly property int dataLength: 64/uDataLen
readonly property int unitStyle: configs["Data Settings"]["Unit Style"]
readonly property int total: dataLength*2
readonly property real ux: width/(total+1)
readonly property real halfHeight: height/2
onConfigsUpdated: {
context.lineWidth = lineWidth;
context.strokeStyle = line_color;
context.lineWidth = configs["Line Width"];
context.strokeStyle = configs["Line Color"];
onAudioDataUpdeted: {
data[128] *= 2;
if(autoNormalizing) {
if (unitStyle) {
for(let i=0; i<dataLength; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;
for(let j=0; j<uDataLen; j++) {
audioData[i] += Math.max(0, 0.4 * (Math.log10(data[64-i*uDataLen-j-1]/data[128])) + 1.0);
audioData[i] /= uDataLen;
for(let i=dataLength; i<total; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;
for(let j=0; j<uDataLen; j++) {
audioData[i] += Math.max(0, 0.4 * (Math.log10(data[64+(i-dataLength)*uDataLen+j]/data[128])) + 1.0);
audioData[i] /= uDataLen;
} else {
for(let i=0; i<64; i++) {
audioData[i] = data[64-i-1] / data[128];
for(let i=0; i<dataLength; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;
for(let j=0; j<uDataLen; j++) {
audioData[i] += data[64-i*uDataLen-j-1];
audioData[i] /= (uDataLen * data[128]);
for(let i=dataLength; i<total; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;
for(let j=0; j<uDataLen; j++) {
audioData[i] += data[64+(i-dataLength)*uDataLen+j];
for(let i=64; i<128; i++) {
audioData[i] = data[i] / data[128];
audioData[i] /= (uDataLen * data[128]);
} else {
if (unitStyle) {
for(let i=0; i<dataLength; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;
for(let j=0; j<uDataLen; j++) {
audioData[i] += Math.max(0, 0.35 * (Math.log10(data[64-i*uDataLen-j-1])+logAmplitude) + 1.0);
audioData[i] /= uDataLen;
for(let i=dataLength; i<total; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;
for(let j=0; j<uDataLen; j++) {
audioData[i] += Math.max(0, 0.35 * (Math.log10(data[64+(i-dataLength)*uDataLen+j])+logAmplitude) + 1.0);
audioData[i] /= uDataLen;
} else {
for(let i=0; i<64; i++) {
audioData[i] = data[64-i-1] * amplitude;
for(let i=0; i<dataLength; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;
for(let j=0; j<uDataLen; j++) {
audioData[i] += data[64-i*uDataLen-j-1];
audioData[i] /= (uDataLen/amplitude);
for(let i=dataLength; i<total; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;
for(let j=0; j<uDataLen; j++) {
audioData[i] += data[64+(i-dataLength)*uDataLen+j];
audioData[i] /= (uDataLen/amplitude);
for(let i=64; i<128; i++) {
audioData[i] = data[i] * amplitude;
@ -43,12 +101,13 @@ StyleAPI {
context.moveTo(0, halfHeight);
for(let i=0; i<128; i+=2) {
for (let i=0; i<dataLength*2; i+=2) {
context.lineTo(ux*i, halfHeight*(1+audioData[i]));
context.lineTo(ux*(i+1), halfHeight*(1-audioData[i+1]));
context.lineTo(width, halfHeight);
// context.closePath();
@ -60,3 +119,81 @@ StyleAPI {
defaultValues: {
"Version": "1.1.0",
"Line Width": 1,
"Line Color": "#ff4500",
"Data Length": 0,
"Data Settings": {
"Auto Normalizing": true,
"Amplitude": 10,
"Unit Style": 0
preference: AdvpPreference {
version: defaultValues["Version"]
cfg_height: 400
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Line Width"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Width")
from: 0.1
to: 4
stepSize: 0.1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Line Width"]
displayValue: value.toFixed(1) + "px"
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Line Color"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Line Color"]
P.Separator {}
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Data Length"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Length")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Length"]
model: [64, 32, 16, 8]
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Data Settings"
label: qsTr("Data Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_dataSettings_autoNormalizing
name: "Auto Normalizing"
label: qsTr("Auto Normalizing")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Auto Normalizing"]
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Amplitude"
label: qsTr("Amplitude Ratio")
enabled: !_cfg_preset_line_dataSettings_autoNormalizing.value
message: "1 to 100"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: true
from: 1
to: 100
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Amplitude"]
P.Separator {}
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Unit Style"
label: qsTr("Display Style")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Unit Style"]
model: [qsTr("Linear"), qsTr("Decibel")]
