軟件沒有聲音了 #420

opened 2 months ago by Ayasesaki · 10 comments

详细描述 / D

More 軟件升級后沒有聲音了不知道怎麽回事重裝沒用

信息报告 / System Report

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Please copy & paste basic information here via Preferences - About - Bug Report... - Generate Report

崩溃日志 / Crash Log

如果是程序崩溃问题,请上传 call_stack.log, mini_dump.dmp, verbose.log 日志文件
Please upload call_stack.log, mini_dump.dmp, verbose.log if it's a crash report

## 详细描述 / D > More 軟件升級后沒有聲音了不知道怎麽回事重裝沒用 ## 信息报告 / System Report > 请从【首选项 - 关于 - Bug 反馈... - 生成报告】复制系统和程序基本信息并粘贴到此处 > Please copy & paste basic information here via Preferences - About - Bug Report... - Generate Report ## 崩溃日志 / Crash Log > 如果是程序崩溃问题,请上传 call_stack.log, mini_dump.dmp, verbose.log 日志文件 > Please upload call_stack.log, mini_dump.dmp, verbose.log if it's a crash report

[22 Dec 2024 20:03:12 +0800]

  • System Information *
    Host Name Shinomiya
    OS Name Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 2009
    OS Version 10.0.26100
    OS Path C:\WINDOWS
    System Type x86_64
    System Locale zh_HK
    CPU 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13650HX
    GPU ANGLE (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop GPU Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0)
    User Shinomiya

  • Software Information *
    Application SAO Utils 2
    Code Progressive
    Version 1.6.1
    Platform x64
    Home D:/steam/steamapps/common/SAO Utils 2
    Path D:/steam/steamapps/common/SAO Utils 2/win64
    Locale zh_HK
    Preferred Locale
    Available Locales en,es,ja,ru,tr,zh,zh_TW
    Process Elevated False
    Cache Path Writable True
    Config Path Writable True
    Dump Path Writable True
    Storage Path Writable True

  • Package Information *
    com.amarsimos.mikumiku 1.0.0 AER
    com.darkness.widget.advp-style 2.0.1 AER
    com.gpbeta.data.pdh 1.0.1 AER
    com.gpbeta.data.sensor 1.2.0 AER
    com.gpbeta.data.weather 1.1.0 AER
    com.gpbeta.data.wmi 1.0.0 AER
    com.gpbeta.mail-box 1.0.4 AER
    com.gpbeta.media 1.3.2 AER
    com.gpbeta.my.character-image 1.0.0 AER
    com.gpbeta.theme.ba 1.1.0 AER
    com.gpbeta.theme.ggo 1.0.3 AER
    com.gpbeta.theme.miku 1.0.1 AER
    com.gpbeta.theme.sao 1.0.5 AER
    com.gpbeta.widget.advp-style 1.0.1 AER
    com.gpbeta.widget.bangumi 1.0.4 AER
    com.gpbeta.widget.hp-bar 1.0.2 AER
    com.gpbeta.widget.hud 1.6.1 AER
    com.gpbeta.widget.launch 1.0.0 AER
    com.gpbeta.widget.menu 1.1.0 AER
    com.gpbeta.widget.note 1.0.0 AER
    com.gpbeta.widget.web 1.3.0 AER
    com.hanbinhsh.widget.hud_edit 0.8.1 AER
    com.jadecode.theme.star.rail 1.1.3 AER
    com.kuroko.theme.elysia 1.2.0 AER
    com.sora.theme.sora 1.0.0 AER
    com.zhefengyue.theme.genshin 1.1.1 AER
    system 1.6.1 AER
    top.mashiros.widget.advp 1.4.4 AER
    ugc.steam.1015567697.2911414830 1.0.0-craft AER
    ugc.steam.1234148499.3355163361 1.0.0-craft AER
    ugc.steam.212161751.2885463592 1.0.0-craft AER
    ugc.steam.250438129.3093017236 1.0.0-craft AER
    ugc.steam.296472005.2903278890 1.0.0-craft AER
    ugc.steam.878791874.3093921216 1.0.0-craft AER
    ugc.steam.904214039.2871458398 1.0.0-craft AER

[22 Dec 2024 20:03:12 +0800] * System Information * Host Name Shinomiya OS Name Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 2009 OS Version 10.0.26100 OS Path C:\WINDOWS System Type x86_64 System Locale zh_HK CPU 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13650HX GPU ANGLE (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop GPU Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0) User Shinomiya * Software Information * Application SAO Utils 2 Code Progressive Version 1.6.1 Platform x64 Home D:/steam/steamapps/common/SAO Utils 2 Path D:/steam/steamapps/common/SAO Utils 2/win64 Locale zh_HK Preferred Locale Available Locales en,es,ja,ru,tr,zh,zh_TW Process Elevated False Cache Path Writable True Config Path Writable True Dump Path Writable True Storage Path Writable True * Package Information * com.amarsimos.mikumiku 1.0.0 AER com.darkness.widget.advp-style 2.0.1 AER com.gpbeta.data.pdh 1.0.1 AER com.gpbeta.data.sensor 1.2.0 AER com.gpbeta.data.weather 1.1.0 AER com.gpbeta.data.wmi 1.0.0 AER com.gpbeta.mail-box 1.0.4 AER com.gpbeta.media 1.3.2 AER com.gpbeta.my.character-image 1.0.0 AER com.gpbeta.theme.ba 1.1.0 AER com.gpbeta.theme.ggo 1.0.3 AER com.gpbeta.theme.miku 1.0.1 AER com.gpbeta.theme.sao 1.0.5 AER com.gpbeta.widget.advp-style 1.0.1 AER com.gpbeta.widget.bangumi 1.0.4 AER com.gpbeta.widget.hp-bar 1.0.2 AER com.gpbeta.widget.hud 1.6.1 AER com.gpbeta.widget.launch 1.0.0 AER com.gpbeta.widget.menu 1.1.0 AER com.gpbeta.widget.note 1.0.0 AER com.gpbeta.widget.web 1.3.0 AER com.hanbinhsh.widget.hud_edit 0.8.1 AER com.jadecode.theme.star.rail 1.1.3 AER com.kuroko.theme.elysia 1.2.0 AER com.sora.theme.sora 1.0.0 AER com.zhefengyue.theme.genshin 1.1.1 AER system 1.6.1 AER top.mashiros.widget.advp 1.4.4 AER ugc.steam.1015567697.2911414830 1.0.0-craft AER ugc.steam.1234148499.3355163361 1.0.0-craft AER ugc.steam.212161751.2885463592 1.0.0-craft AER ugc.steam.250438129.3093017236 1.0.0-craft AER ugc.steam.296472005.2903278890 1.0.0-craft AER ugc.steam.878791874.3093921216 1.0.0-craft AER ugc.steam.904214039.2871458398 1.0.0-craft AER







> 在【首选项-音频-音效事件】里面试听有声音吗? 没有





> 那只能自己手动装一下声卡驱动了。 就sao没声音其他软件都有

上传一下【首选项 - 开发者模式 - 保存日志文件...】,一般是 Windows 自动更新的时候把声卡驱动搞丢了,如果不是就是你在系统调音台把 SAO Utils 静音了。

上传一下【首选项 - 开发者模式 - 保存日志文件...】,一般是 Windows 自动更新的时候把声卡驱动搞丢了,如果不是就是你在系统调音台把 SAO Utils 静音了。

上传一下【首选项 - 开发者模式 - 保存日志文件...】,一般是 Windows 自动更新的时候把声卡驱动搞丢了,如果不是就是你在系统调音台把 SAO Utils 静音了。

日志里这个QAudioOutput: open error怎么解决

> 上传一下【首选项 - 开发者模式 - 保存日志文件...】,一般是 Windows 自动更新的时候把声卡驱动搞丢了,如果不是就是你在系统调音台把 SAO Utils 静音了。 日志里这个QAudioOutput: open error怎么解决


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