You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

510 lines
20 KiB

2 years ago
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import QtQuick.Shapes 1.1
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.12
import NERvGear 1.0 as NVG
import NERvGear.Controls 1.0
import NERvGear.Templates 1.0 as T
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "utils.js" as Utils
T.Widget {
id: widget
title: qsTr("Weather Widget")
solid: true
readonly property var fonts: Qt.fontFamilies()
readonly property var fontweight: [Font.Light, Font.Normal, Font.Bold]
readonly property var sfontweight: [qsTr("Light"), qsTr("Normal"), qsTr("Bold")]
readonly property var configs: widget.settings.styles ?? {"Location":"","Display Location":"","Update Interval":{"Value":1,"Unit":1},"Background Color":"#ffa502","Background Opacity":60,"Area Opacity Difference":17,"Icon Color":"#fefefe","Temperature Text Settings":{"Font Color":"#f5f5f5","Font Size":90,"Font Name":fonts.length-1,"Font Weight":1,"X Offset":33,"Y Offset":32},"Area Text Settings":{"Font Color":"#f5f5f5","Font Size":60,"Font Name":fonts.length-1,"Font Weight":1,"X Offset":0,"Y Offset":-56,"Border Margin":40}}
readonly property real w: widget.width
readonly property real h: 0.46*widget.width
Item {
id: main
width: w
height: h
anchors.centerIn: parent
layer.enabled: true
layer.effect: OpacityMask{
maskSource: Rectangle {
width: w
height: h
color: "black"
radius: h/15
Rectangle {
id: weather_box
width: w
height: h
anchors.left: parent.left
opacity: configs["Background Opacity"]/100
color: configs["Background Color"]
Item {
id: sdialog
width: h/8
height: h/8
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: h/16
anchors.topMargin: h/14
Shape {
anchors.fill: parent
ShapePath {
strokeWidth: parent.height/120
strokeColor: configs["Icon Color"]
startX: h/44; startY: h/800
PathLine { x: h*0.10227272727272727; y: h/800 }
ShapePath {
strokeWidth: parent.height/120
strokeColor: configs["Icon Color"]
startX: h/44; startY: h/800 + h/32
PathLine { x: h*0.10227272727272727; y: h/800 + h/32 }
ShapePath {
strokeWidth: parent.height/120
strokeColor: configs["Icon Color"]
startX: h/44; startY: h/800 + h/16
PathLine { x: h*0.10227272727272727; y: h/800 + h/16 }
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
enabled: !
onClicked: { = true;
Item {
id: weather
width: 0.655*w
height: h
anchors.left: parent.left
Image {
id: weather_mask
anchors.centerIn: weather
autoTransform: true
visible: false
source: "../Images/Weather/Unknown.png"
Rectangle {
id: wcolor
width: h/1.1
height: h/1.1
anchors.centerIn: weather
visible: false
color: configs["Icon Color"]
OpacityMask {
anchors.fill: wcolor
source: wcolor
maskSource: weather_mask
Rectangle {
id: temper_box
width: 0.345*w
height: h
anchors.right: parent.right
opacity: configs["Background Opacity"]*configs["Area Opacity Difference"]/10000
color: "black"
Text {
id: area
anchors.centerIn: temper_box
anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: temper_box.width*configs["Area Text Settings"]["X Offset"]/200
anchors.verticalCenterOffset: h*configs["Area Text Settings"]["Y Offset"]/200
color: configs["Area Text Settings"]["Font Color"]
text: ""
font.pixelSize: w*0.0009*configs["Area Text Settings"]["Font Size"] fonts[configs["Area Text Settings"]["Font Name"]]
font.weight: fontweight[configs["Area Text Settings"]["Font Weight"]]
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: -area.font.pixelSize*configs["Area Text Settings"]["Border Margin"]/100
color: "transparent"
border.color: configs["Area Text Settings"]["Font Color"]
border.width: area.font.pixelSize/15
radius: area.font.pixelSize/3.5
visible: Boolean(area.text)
Text {
id: temperature
anchors.centerIn: temper_box
anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: temper_box.width*configs["Temperature Text Settings"]["X Offset"]/200
anchors.verticalCenterOffset: h*configs["Temperature Text Settings"]["Y Offset"]/200
color: configs["Temperature Text Settings"]["Font Color"]
text: "--°"
font.pixelSize: w*0.002*configs["Temperature Text Settings"]["Font Size"] fonts[configs["Temperature Text Settings"]["Font Name"]]
font.weight: fontweight[configs["Temperature Text Settings"]["Font Weight"]]
function setWeather() {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
let data = xhr.responseText.toString();
if (data) {
let jdata = JSON.parse(data);
temperature.text = jdata["current_condition"][0]["temp_C"] + "°";
if (!configs["Display Location"] && !configs["Location"]) {
area.text = jdata["nearest_area"][0]["areaName"][0]["value"];
weather_mask.source = "../Images/Weather/" + Utils.weather_codes[jdata["current_condition"][0]["weatherCode"]] ?? "Unknown" + ".png";
} else {
weather_mask.source = "../Images/Weather/Unknown.png";
if (configs["Location"])"GET", ''+configs["Location"]+'?format=j1');
else"GET", '');
if (configs["Display Location"]) {
area.text = configs["Display Location"];
} else if (configs["Location"]) {
area.text = configs["Location"]
Timer {
id: timer
interval: 600000
repeat: true
triggeredOnStart: true
onTriggered: {
menu: Menu {
Action {
text: qsTr("Settings") + "..."
onTriggered: = true
Action {
text: qsTr("Refresh")
onTriggered: timer.restart()
Loader {
id: styleDialog
active: false
sourceComponent: NVG.Window {
id: window
title: qsTr("Settings")
visible: true
minimumWidth: 450
minimumHeight: 550
width: minimumWidth
height: minimumHeight
transientParent: widget.NVG.View.window
property var configuration
Page {
id: cfg_page
anchors.fill: parent
header: TitleBar {
text: qsTr("Settings")
standardButtons: Dialog.Save | Dialog.Reset
onAccepted: {
configuration =;
widget.settings.styles = configuration; = false;
timer.interval = 60000*configs["Update Interval"]["Value"]*(1+59*configs["Update Interval"]["Unit"])
onReset: {
let cfg =;
widget.settings.styles = cfg;
ColumnLayout {
id: root
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 16
anchors.topMargin: 0
Flickable {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
clip: true
contentWidth: preferenceLayout.implicitWidth
contentHeight: preferenceLayout.implicitHeight
ColumnLayout {
id: preferenceLayout
width: root.width
P.PreferenceGroup {
id: rootPreference
Layout.fillWidth: true
label: qsTr("Configuration")
onPreferenceEdited: {
widget.settings.styles =;
P.TextFieldPreference {
name: "Location"
label: qsTr("Location")
message: qsTr("Search address by location, latitude and longitude.")
P.TextFieldPreference {
name: "Display Location"
label: qsTr("Display Location")
message: "The location to display in widget."
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Update Interval"
label: qsTr("Update Interval")
live: true
displayValue: _cfg_update_interval_value.value + " " + [qsTr("Minutes"), qsTr("Hours")][_cfg_update_interval_unit.value]
P.SpinPreference {
id: _cfg_update_interval_value
name: "Value"
from: 1
to: 1440
editable: true
defaultValue: 1
P.SelectPreference {
id: _cfg_update_interval_unit
name: "Unit"
label: qsTr("Unit")
defaultValue: 1
model: [qsTr("Minutes"), qsTr("Hours")]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Background Color"
label: qsTr("Background Color")
defaultValue: "#ffa502"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Background Opacity"
label: qsTr("Background Opacity")
from: 0
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 60
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Area Opacity Difference"
label: qsTr("Area Opacity Difference")
from: 0
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 17
displayValue: value + "%"
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Icon Color"
label: qsTr("Icon Color")
defaultValue: "#fefefe"
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Temperature Text Settings"
label: qsTr("Temperature Text Settings") "solid:\uf1fc"
live: true
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Font Color"
label: qsTr("Font Color")
defaultValue: "#f5f5f5"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Font Size"
label: qsTr("Font Size")
from: 1
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 90
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Font Name"
label: qsTr("Font Style")
defaultValue: fonts.length-1
model: fonts
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Font Weight"
label: qsTr("Font Weight")
defaultValue: 1
model: sfontweight
P.SliderPreference {
name: "X Offset"
label: qsTr("X Offset")
from: -100
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 33
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Y Offset"
label: qsTr("Y Offset")
from: -100
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 32
displayValue: value + "%"
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Area Text Settings"
label: qsTr("Area Text Settings") "solid:\uf1fc"
live: true
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Font Color"
label: qsTr("Font Color")
defaultValue: "#f5f5f5"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Font Size"
label: qsTr("Font Size")
from: 1
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 60
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Font Name"
label: qsTr("Font Style")
defaultValue: fonts.length-1
model: fonts
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Font Weight"
label: qsTr("Font Weight")
defaultValue: 1
model: sfontweight
P.SliderPreference {
name: "X Offset"
label: qsTr("X Offset")
from: -100
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 0
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Y Offset"
label: qsTr("Y Offset")
from: -100
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: -56
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Border Margin"
label: qsTr("Border Margin")
from: 0
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: 40
displayValue: value + "%"
Component.onCompleted: {
if(!widget.settings.styles) {
configuration =;
widget.settings.styles = configuration;
configuration = widget.settings.styles;
onClosing: {
widget.settings.styles = configuration; = false;