You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

305 lines
12 KiB

import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import NERvGear 1.0 as NVG
import NERvGear.Controls 1.0
import NERvGear.Templates 1.0 as T
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "."
WidgetTemplate {
id: widget
title: qsTr("Text Clock")
resizable: true
version: "1.0.0"
defaultValues: {
"Font Name": Common.fonts.length-1,
"Font Weight": 0,
"Normal Color": "#333333",
"HighLight Color": "#FFF",
"Font Size": 20,
"Letter Space": 20,
"Line Height": 1.5
property real day: 1
property real hours: 0
property string minutes: ""
property string seconds: ""
readonly property string hlight_color: widget.settings.styles["HighLight Color"]
readonly property string normal_color: widget.settings.styles["Normal Color"]
readonly property string rfulltext: "<font color='{0}'>IT</font>A<font color='{1}'>IS</font>SL" + ((day===5) ? "TGIF" : "GTFI") + "<br>" +
"FJLVZG<font color='{2}'>ABOUT</font><br>" +
"AC<font color='{3}'>QUARTER</font>BS<br>" +
"<font color='{4}'>TWENTY</font><font color='{5}'>FIVE</font>X<br>" +
"<font color='{6}'>HALF</font>B<font color='{7}'>TEN</font>F<font color='{8}'>TO</font><br>" +
"<font color='{9}'>PAST</font>ERU<font color='{10}'>NINE</font><br>" +
"<font color='{11}'>ONE</font><font color='{12}'>SIX</font><font color='{13}'>THREE</font><br>" +
"<font color='{14}'>FOUR</font><font color='{15}'>FIVE</font><font color='{16}'>TWO</font><br>" +
"<font color='{17}'>EIGHT</font><font color='{18}'>ELEVEN</font><br>" +
"<font color='{19}'>SEVEN</font>T<font color='{20}'>NOON</font>E<br>" +
"<font color='{21}'>TEN</font>SE<font color='{22}'>OCLOCK</font><br>" +
"A<font color='{23}'>MIDNIGHT</font>VW<br>"
property var rcolors: [hlight_color, hlight_color, hlight_color, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
readonly property var rcindex: {"M15": 3, "M20": 4, "M5": 5, "M30": 6, "M10": 7, "TO": 8, "PAST": 9,
"9": 10, "1": 11, "13": 11, "6": 12, "3": 13, "4": 14, "5": 15, "2": 16,
"8": 17, "11": 18, "23": 18, "7": 19, "12": 20, "10": 21, "OCLOCK": 22, "0": 23, "24": 23}
function stringFormat(rtext, format) {
if (!rtext)
return null;
var str = rtext;
for (var i = 0; i < format.length; i++)
var re = new RegExp('\\{' + i + '\\}', 'gm');
str = str.replace(re, format[i]);
return str;
function clearHLColors() {
for(let i=3; i<24; i++) {
rcolors[i] = "";
function updateHLColors(){
for(let i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) {
rcolors[rcindex[arguments[i]]] = hlight_color;
Text {
id: main
color: widget.settings.styles["Normal Color"]
text: ""
style: Text.Outline
styleColor: "transparent"
anchors.centerIn: parent
font.pointSize: widget.settings.styles["Font Size"]
font.weight: Common.fontweight[widget.settings.styles["Font Weight"]] Common.fonts[widget.settings.styles["Font Name"]]
lineHeight: widget.settings.styles["Line Height"]
font.letterSpacing: widget.settings.styles["Letter Space"]
Timer {
interval: 1000
repeat: true
onTriggered: {
var newDate = new Date();
day = newDate.getDay();
hours = newDate.getHours();
minutes = newDate.getMinutes().toString();
seconds = newDate.getSeconds().toString();
if (hours > 12 && hours !== 23) {
hours = hours - 12;
if (minutes < 10) {
minutes = 0 + minutes;
if (seconds < 10) {
seconds = 0 + seconds;
var minsSecs = minutes + seconds;
if (minsSecs > 3230) {
if ((minsSecs >= 5730 && minsSecs < 6000) || (minsSecs >= 0 && minsSecs < 230)) {
if (hours !== 24 && hours !== 0) {
} else if (minsSecs >= 230 && minsSecs < 730) {
} else if (minsSecs >= 730 && minsSecs < 1230) {
updateHLColors("M10", "PAST");
} else if (minsSecs >= 1230 && minsSecs < 1730) {
} else if (minsSecs >= 1730 && minsSecs < 2230) {
updateHLColors("M20", "PAST");
} else if (minsSecs >= 2230 && minsSecs < 2730) {
updateHLColors("M20", "M5", "PAST");
} else if (minsSecs >= 2730 && minsSecs < 3230) {
updateHLColors("M30", "PAST");
} else if (minsSecs >= 3230 && minsSecs < 3730) {
updateHLColors("M20", "M5", "TO");
} else if (minsSecs >= 3730 && minsSecs < 4230) {
updateHLColors("M20", "TO");
} else if (minsSecs >= 4230 && minsSecs < 4730) {
updateHLColors("M15", "TO");
} else if (minsSecs >= 4730 && minsSecs < 5230) {
updateHLColors("M10", "TO");
} else if (minsSecs >= 5230 && minsSecs < 5730) {
updateHLColors("M5", "TO");
main.text = stringFormat(rfulltext, rcolors);
menu: Menu {
Action {
text: qsTr("Settings") + "..."
onTriggered: = true
Loader {
id: styleDialog
active: false
sourceComponent: NVG.Window {
id: window
title: qsTr("Clock Settings")
visible: true
minimumWidth: 380
minimumHeight: 580
width: minimumWidth
height: minimumHeight
transientParent: widget.NVG.View.window
property var configuration
Page {
id: cfg_page
anchors.fill: parent
header: TitleBar {
text: qsTr("Text Clock")
standardButtons: Dialog.Save | Dialog.Reset
onAccepted: {
configuration =;
widget.settings.styles = configuration; = false;
onReset: {
let cfg =;
widget.settings.styles = cfg;
ColumnLayout {
id: root
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 16
anchors.topMargin: 0
Flickable {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
clip: true
contentWidth: preferenceLayout.implicitWidth
contentHeight: preferenceLayout.implicitHeight
ColumnLayout {
id: preferenceLayout
width: root.width
P.PreferenceGroup {
id: rootPreference
Layout.fillWidth: true
label: qsTr("Configuration")
onPreferenceEdited: {
widget.settings.styles =;
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Font Name"
label: qsTr("Font Style") "solid:\uf1fc"
defaultValue: defaultValues["Font Name"]
model: Common.fonts
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Font Weight"
label: qsTr("Font Weight") "solid:\uf1fc"
defaultValue: defaultValues["Font Weight"]
model: Common.sfontweight
P.ColorPreference {
name: "HighLight Color"
label: qsTr("HighLight Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["HighLight Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Normal Color"
label: qsTr("Normal Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Normal Color"]
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Font Size"
label: qsTr("Font Size")
from: 1
to: 40
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Font Size"]
displayValue: value
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Letter Space"
label: qsTr("Letter Space")
from: 1
to: 40
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Letter Space"]
displayValue: value
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Line Height"
label: qsTr("Line Spacing")
from: 0.8
to: 2
stepSize: 0.1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Line Height"]
displayValue: value.toFixed(1)
Component.onCompleted: {
configuration = widget.settings.styles;
onClosing: {
widget.settings.styles = configuration; = false;