Browse Source

- 合并样式【渐变线】到【线】,【线】与【波浪】新增方向(水平与垂直)设置选项

- 样式【波浪】、【圆】、【实心圆】添加渐变设置选项
- 优化服务器调试逻辑(调试模式:服务器崩溃自动打开日志文件)
- 优化API
mashiros 2 years ago
  1. BIN
  2. BIN
  3. BIN
  4. BIN
  5. 2
  6. 4
  7. BIN
  8. 5
  9. 2
  10. BIN
  11. 2
  12. 2
  13. 26
  14. 2
  15. 8
  16. 21
  17. 4
  18. 2
  19. 180
  20. 310
  21. 304
  22. 180
  23. 260


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Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<value name="current_style">"nvg://"</value>
<value name="nvg://">{"Main Color":"#ff4500","Line Position":0,"Line Width":1,"Max Range":50,"Data Length":0,"Channel":2,"Reverse":false,"Rotate":false,"Ratate Speed":10,"Angle":0,"Data Settings":{"Auto Normalizing":true,"Amplitude":10,"Unit Style":0}}</value>
<value name="nvg://">{"Gradient Style":0,"Radial Gradient Settings":{"Inside Position Color":"#f44336","Middle Position Color":"#4caf50","Outside Position Color":"#03a9f4","Inside Position":40,"Middle Position":60,"Outside Position":80},"Conical Gradient Settings":{"Start Position Color":"#f44336","Quarter Position Color":"#4caf50","Middle Position Color":"#03a9f4","End Position Color":"#ffeb3b"},"Main Color":"#ff4500","Line Position":0,"Line Width":1,"Max Range":80,"Data Length":0,"Channel":2,"Reverse":false,"Rotate":false,"Ratate Speed":10,"Angle":0,"Data Settings":{"Auto Normalizing":true,"Amplitude":10,"Unit Style":0}}</value>


@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
"source": "nvg://",
"settings": "settings.xml"


Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 5.3 KiB


@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<value name="current_style">"nvg://"</value>
<value name="nvg://">{"Gradient Direction":0,"Start Position Color":"#f44336","Middle Position Color":"#4caf50","End Position Color":"#03a9f4","Center Line":true,"Line Position":0,"Data Length":0,"Channel":2,"Rotate Settings":{"Center Enable":false,"Center Angle":10,"Line Enable":false,"Line Angle":10},"Data Settings":{"Auto Normalizing":true,"Amplitude":10,"Unit Style":0}}</value>


@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<value name="nvg://">{"Center Line":true,"Center Color":"#ff4500","Line Color":"#ff4500","Line Position":0,"Data Length":0,"Channel":2,"Rotate Settings":{"Center Enable":false,"Center Angle":10,"Line Enable":false,"Line Angle":10},"Data Settings":{"Auto Normalizing":true,"Amplitude":10,"Unit Style":0}}</value>
<value name="nvg://">{"Enable Gradient":false,"Gradient Direction":0,"Start Position Color":"#f44336","Middle Position Color":"#4caf50","End Position Color":"#03a9f4","Center Line":true,"Center Color":"#ff4500","Center Width":20,"Line Color":"#ff4500","Line Position":0,"Data Length":0,"Channel":2,"Direction":0,"Rotate Settings":{"Center Enable":false,"Center Angle":10,"Line Enable":false,"Line Angle":10,"X Scale":100,"Y Scale":100,"X Offset":0,"Y Offset":0},"Data Settings":{"Auto Normalizing":true,"Amplitude":10,"Unit Style":0}}</value>
<value name="current_style">"nvg://"</value>


Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 6.6 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 5.5 KiB


@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<value name="current_style">"nvg://"</value>
<value name="nvg://">{"Main Color":"#ff4500","Line Position":0,"Line Width":1,"Max Range":50,"Data Length":0,"Channel":2,"Reverse":false,"Rotate":false,"Ratate Speed":10,"Angle":0,"Data Settings":{"Auto Normalizing":true,"Amplitude":10,"Unit Style":0}}</value>
<value name="nvg://">{"Gradient Style":0,"Radial Gradient Settings":{"Inside Position Color":"#f44336","Middle Position Color":"#4caf50","Outside Position Color":"#03a9f4","Inside Position":40,"Middle Position":60,"Outside Position":80},"Conical Gradient Settings":{"Start Position Color":"#f44336","Quarter Position Color":"#4caf50","Middle Position Color":"#03a9f4","End Position Color":"#ffeb3b"},"Main Color":"#ff4500","Line Position":0,"Line Width":1,"Max Range":80,"Data Length":0,"Channel":2,"Reverse":false,"Rotate":false,"Ratate Speed":10,"Angle":0,"Data Settings":{"Auto Normalizing":true,"Amplitude":10,"Unit Style":0}}</value>


@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<value name="current_style">"nvg://"</value>
<value name="nvg://">{"Line Width":1,"Line Color":"#ff4500","Data Length":0,"Data Settings":{"Auto Normalizing":true,"Amplitude":10,"Unit Style":0}}</value>
<value name="nvg://">{"Enable Gradient":false,"Gradient Direction":0,"Start Position Color":"#f44336","Middle Position Color":"#4caf50","End Position Color":"#03a9f4","Direction":0,"Line Color":"#ff4500","Line Width":1,"Data Length":0,"Rotate Settings":{"Center Enable":false,"Center Angle":10,"Line Enable":false,"Line Angle":10,"X Scale":100,"Y Scale":100,"X Offset":0,"Y Offset":0},"Data Settings":{"Auto Normalizing":true,"Amplitude":10,"Unit Style":0}}</value>


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "top.mashiros.widget.advp",
"version": "1.3.0",
"version": "1.4.0",
"title": {
"en": "ADV Plugin",
@ -62,17 +62,6 @@
"entry": "./styles/Preset_line/Style.qml"
"location": "/advp-style-preset/gradient_line",
"catalog": "top.mashiros.advp-style",
"title": {
"en": "Gradient Line",
"zh": "渐变线",
"zh_TW": "漸變線",
"ja": "グラデーションライン"
"entry": "./styles/Preset_gradient_line/Style.qml"
"location": "/advp-style-preset/waves",
"catalog": "top.mashiros.advp-style",
"title": {
@ -187,6 +176,17 @@
"preview": "Presets/Ordinal_Scale_UI_bottom/preview.png",
"entry": "Presets/Ordinal_Scale_UI_bottom/preset.json"
"location": "/advp-style-preset/gradient_line",
"catalog": "top.mashiros.advp-style-temp",
"title": {
"en": "Gradient Line",
"zh": "渐变线",
"zh_TW": "漸變線",
"ja": "グラデーションライン"
"entry": "./styles/Preset_line/Style.qml"


@ -128,6 +128,8 @@ Item {
for (let prop in sourceObj) {
if (sourceObj.hasOwnProperty(prop) && sourceObj[prop] !== undefined) {
if (typeof sourceObj[prop] === 'object') {
if (targetObj[prop] === undefined)
targetObj[prop] = {};
Object.assign(targetObj[prop], sourceObj[prop]);
} else {
targetObj[prop] = sourceObj[prop];


@ -37,12 +37,6 @@ T.Widget {
preference = item.preference;
defaultValues = item.defaultValues;
style =;
if (!widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style]) {
widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style] = defaultValues;
}else if(widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style]["Version"] !== defaultValues["Version"]) {
delete widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style]["Version"];
widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style] = Common.updateObject(Common.deepClone(defaultValues), widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style]);
@ -72,7 +66,7 @@ T.Widget {
Component.onCompleted: {
if ((!widget.settings.current_style) || (Common.stylesURL.indexOf(widget.settings.current_style) === -1)) {
if (!widget.settings.current_style) {
widget.settings.current_style = Common.stylesURL[0];


@ -11,8 +11,20 @@ Canvas {
signal audioDataUpdeted(var data)
signal configsUpdated()
signal completed()
signal versionUpdated(string old)
readonly property var configs: widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style] ?? defaultValues
function updateObject(target, source) {
return Common.updateObject(Common.deepClone(target), Common.deepClone(source));
onVersionUpdated: {
delete widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style]["Version"];
widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style] = updateObject(defaultValues, widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style]);
onConfigsChanged: {
if (context) {
@ -30,4 +42,13 @@ Canvas {
target: Common
onAudioDataUpdated: audioDataUpdeted(audioData)
Component.onCompleted: {
if (!widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style]) {
widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style] = defaultValues;
}else if(widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style]["Version"] !== defaultValues["Version"]) {


@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
## 特色
* 整合客户端与服务器端的功能,使用更简单
* 预设6种频谱显示形式,其中每种都可以进一步自定义设置其样式
* 预设5种频谱显示形式,其中每种都可以进一步自定义设置其样式
* 提供了Style的开发接口,供开发者添加更多的可视化样式
* 导入第三方Style类似其他插件,预计支持steam创意工坊下载
* 服务端崩溃后自启动
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<div align="center"><img src="" style="zoom:80%;" /></div>
<div align="center"><img src="" style="zoom:80%;" /></div>
## 服务器设置


@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
Component.onCompleted: {
onCompleted: {
for (let i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;


@ -1,10 +1,47 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.12
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "../../qml/api"
AdvpStyleTemplate {
style: AdvpCanvasTemplate {
style: Rectangle {
id: main
width: widget.width;
height: widget.height;
property int gradientStyle
RadialGradient {
id: radialGradient
anchors.fill: parent
visible: gradientStyle===1
horizontalRadius: Math.min(width, height)/2
verticalRadius: horizontalRadius
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop {id: radialGradient_pstart}
GradientStop {id: radialGradient_pmiddle}
GradientStop {id: radialGradient_pend}
ConicalGradient {
id: conicalGradient
anchors.fill: parent
visible: gradientStyle===2
angle: -90;
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop{id: conicalGradient_pstart; position: 0.0}
GradientStop{id: conicalGradient_pquarter; position: 0.25}
GradientStop {id: conicalGradient_phalf; position: 0.5}
GradientStop {id: conicalGradient_p3quarter; position: 0.75}
GradientStop{id: conicalGradient_pend; position: 1.0}
layer.enabled: true
layer.effect: OpacityMask{
maskSource: AdvpCanvasTemplate {
readonly property var audioData: new Array(128)
@ -40,8 +77,23 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
onConfigsUpdated: {
gradientStyle = configs["Gradient Style"];
context.lineWidth = configs["Line Width"];
context.strokeStyle = configs["Main Color"];
main.color = configs["Main Color"];
if (gradientStyle === 1) {
radialGradient_pstart.color = configs["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Inside Position Color"];
radialGradient_pstart.position = configs["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Inside Position"]/100;
radialGradient_pmiddle.color = configs["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Middle Position Color"];
radialGradient_pmiddle.position = configs["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Middle Position"]/100;
radialGradient_pend.color = configs["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Outside Position Color"];
radialGradient_pend.position = configs["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Outside Position"]/100;
} else if (gradientStyle === 2) {
conicalGradient_pstart.color = configs["Conical Gradient Settings"]["Start Position Color"];
conicalGradient_pquarter.color = configs["Conical Gradient Settings"]["Quarter Position Color"];
conicalGradient_phalf.color = configs["Conical Gradient Settings"]["Middle Position Color"];
conicalGradient_p3quarter.color = configs["Conical Gradient Settings"]["End Position Color"];
conicalGradient_pend.color = configs["Conical Gradient Settings"]["Start Position Color"];
function createPoint() {
@ -60,6 +112,7 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
conicalGradient.rotation = offsetAngle;
offsetAngle = rotateFlag ? ((offsetAngle + rSpeed) % 360) : angle;
@ -97,19 +150,36 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
Component.onCompleted: {
onCompleted: {
for (let i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;
defaultValues: {
"Version": "1.1.0",
"Version": "1.2.0",
"Gradient Style": 0,
"Radial Gradient Settings": {
"Inside Position Color": "#f44336",
"Middle Position Color": "#4caf50",
"Outside Position Color": "#03a9f4",
"Inside Position": 40,
"Middle Position": 60,
"Outside Position": 80
"Conical Gradient Settings": {
"Start Position Color": "#f44336",
"Quarter Position Color": "#4caf50",
"Middle Position Color": "#03a9f4",
"End Position Color": "#ffeb3b"
"Main Color": "#ff4500",
"Line Position": 0,
"Line Width": 1,
"Max Range": 50,
"Max Range": 80,
"Data Length": 0,
"Channel": 2,
"Reverse": false,
@ -126,9 +196,107 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
preference: AdvpPreference {
version: defaultValues["Version"]
P.SelectPreference {
id: _cfg_gradient_style
name: "Gradient Style"
label: qsTr("Gradient Style")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Gradient Style"]
model: [qsTr("None"), qsTr("Radial Gradient"), qsTr("Conical Gradient")]
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Radial Gradient Settings"
label: qsTr("Radial Gradient Settings")
live: true
visible: _cfg_gradient_style.value===1
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Inside Position Color"
label: qsTr("Inside Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Inside Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Middle Position Color"
label: qsTr("Middle Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Middle Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Outside Position Color"
label: qsTr("Outside Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Outside Position Color"]
P.SliderPreference {
id: _cfg_gradient_settings_inside_position
name: "Inside Position"
label: qsTr("Inside Position")
from: 0
to: 75
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Inside Position"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
id: _cfg_gradient_settings_middle_position
name: "Middle Position"
label: qsTr("Middle Position")
from: _cfg_gradient_settings_inside_position.value + 1
to: 90
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Middle Position"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Outside Position"
label: qsTr("Outside Position")
from: _cfg_gradient_settings_middle_position.value + 1
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Outside Position"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Conical Gradient Settings"
label: qsTr("Conical Gradient Settings")
live: true
visible: _cfg_gradient_style.value===2
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Start Position Color"
label: qsTr("Start Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Conical Gradient Settings"]["Start Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Quarter Position Color"
label: qsTr("Quarter Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Conical Gradient Settings"]["Quarter Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Middle Position Color"
label: qsTr("Middle Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Conical Gradient Settings"]["Middle Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "End Position Color"
label: qsTr("End Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Conical Gradient Settings"]["End Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Main Color"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Color")
visible: !_cfg_gradient_style.value
defaultValue: defaultValues["Main Color"]
@ -179,8 +347,6 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
defaultValue: defaultValues["Channel"]
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
name: "Reverse"
label: qsTr("Reverse Spectrum")


@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.12
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "../../qml/api"
AdvpStyleTemplate {
style: Rectangle {
width: widget.width;
height: widget.height;
LinearGradient {
id: gradient_mask
anchors.fill: parent
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop { id: p_start; position: 0.0 }
GradientStop { id: p_middle; position: 0.5 }
GradientStop { id: p_end; position: 1.0 }
layer.enabled: true
layer.effect: OpacityMask{
maskSource: AdvpCanvasTemplate {
readonly property var audioData: new Array(128)
readonly property bool centerLineFlag: configs["Center Line"]
readonly property int linePosition: configs["Line Position"]
readonly property int uDataLen: Math.pow(2, configs["Data Length"]);
readonly property int dataLength: 64/uDataLen
readonly property int channel: configs["Channel"]
readonly property bool centerRotateFlag: configs["Rotate Settings"]["Center Enable"]
readonly property real centerRotateAngle: configs["Rotate Settings"]["Center Angle"]*Math.PI/180
readonly property bool lineRotateFlag: configs["Rotate Settings"]["Line Enable"]
readonly property real lineRotateAngle: configs["Rotate Settings"]["Line Angle"]*Math.PI/180
readonly property bool autoNormalizing: configs["Data Settings"]["Auto Normalizing"]
readonly property real amplitude: 400.0/configs["Data Settings"]["Amplitude"]
readonly property int unitStyle: configs["Data Settings"]["Unit Style"]
property real halfWidth: width/2
property real halfHeight: height/2
readonly property int l_start: (channel===1)*dataLength
readonly property int r_stop: dataLength+dataLength*(channel!==0)
readonly property int total: r_stop-l_start
readonly property real _y_dy: centerRotateFlag*Math.tan(centerRotateAngle)*halfWidth
readonly property real _ux: width/(r_stop-l_start)
readonly property real _dx: Math.round(_ux/2)
onConfigsUpdated: {
context.fillStyle = "black";
gradient_mask.start = Qt.point(0, height*(configs["Gradient Direction"]===2))
gradient_mask.end = Qt.point(width*(configs["Gradient Direction"]!==1), height*(configs["Gradient Direction"]%2))
p_start.color = configs["Start Position Color"];
p_middle.color = configs["Middle Position Color"];
p_end.color = configs["End Position Color"];
onAudioDataUpdeted: {
let normalizing_ratio = autoNormalizing ? data[128] : amplitude;
if (unitStyle) {
for(let i=l_start; i<dataLength; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;
for(let j=0; j<uDataLen; j++) {
audioData[i] += Math.max(0, 0.4 * (Math.log10(data[63-i*uDataLen-j]/normalizing_ratio)) + 1.0);
audioData[i] /= uDataLen;
for(let i=dataLength; i<r_stop; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;
for(let j=0; j<uDataLen; j++) {
audioData[i] += Math.max(0, 0.4 * (Math.log10(data[i*uDataLen+j]/normalizing_ratio)) + 1.0);
audioData[i] /= uDataLen;
} else {
for(let i=l_start; i<dataLength; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;
for(let j=0; j<uDataLen; j++) {
audioData[i] += data[63-i*uDataLen-j];
audioData[i] /= (uDataLen * normalizing_ratio);
for(let i=dataLength; i<r_stop; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;
for(let j=0; j<uDataLen; j++) {
audioData[i] += data[i*uDataLen+j];
audioData[i] /= (uDataLen * normalizing_ratio);
context.clearRect(0, 0, width+32, height+32);
let _y;
let _dy;
if(lineRotateFlag || centerRotateFlag) {
context.transform(1, Math.sin(centerRotateFlag*centerRotateAngle), -Math.sin(lineRotateFlag*lineRotateAngle), 1, Math.sin(lineRotateFlag*lineRotateAngle)*(halfHeight-_y_dy), 0);
for (let i=l_start; i<r_stop; i++) {
_y = halfHeight*(1-(linePosition!==2)*audioData[i])-_y_dy;
_dy = (halfHeight + (!linePosition)*halfHeight)*audioData[i];
context.fillRect(_ux * (i-l_start), _y, _dx, _dy);
if (centerLineFlag) {
context.fillRect(0, halfHeight-_y_dy, width, 2);
} else if (linePosition) {
let _flag = 1-2*(linePosition===1);
_y = halfHeight + halfHeight*(3-2*linePosition)*Boolean(linePosition);
for (let i=l_start; i<r_stop; i++) {
_dy = height*audioData[i]*_flag;
context.fillRect(_ux * (i-l_start), _y, _dx, _dy);
if (centerLineFlag) {
context.fillRect(0, _y-(2-linePosition)*2, width, 2);
} else {
for (let i=l_start; i<r_stop; i++) {
_y = halfHeight*(1-(linePosition!==2)*audioData[i])-_y_dy;
_dy = (halfHeight + (!linePosition)*halfHeight)*audioData[i];
context.fillRect(_ux * (i-l_start), _y, _dx, _dy);
if (centerLineFlag) {
context.fillRect(0, halfHeight-_y_dy, width, 2);
Component.onCompleted: {
for (let i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;
defaultValues: {
"Version": "1.2.0",
"Gradient Direction": 0,
"Start Position Color": "#f44336",
"Middle Position Color": "#4caf50",
"End Position Color": "#03a9f4",
"Center Line": true,
"Line Position": 0,
"Data Length": 0,
"Channel": 2,
"Rotate Settings": {
"Center Enable": false,
"Center Angle": 10,
"Line Enable": false,
"Line Angle": 10
"Data Settings": {
"Auto Normalizing": true,
"Amplitude": 10,
"Unit Style": 0
preference: AdvpPreference {
version: defaultValues["Version"]
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Gradient Direction"
label: qsTr("Gradient Direction")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Gradient Direction"]
model: [qsTr("Horizontal"), qsTr("Vertical"), qsTr("Oblique Upward"), qsTr("Oblique downward")]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Start Position Color"
label: qsTr("Start Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Start Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Middle Position Color"
label: qsTr("Middle Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Middle Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "End Position Color"
label: qsTr("End Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["End Position Color"]
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
name: "Center Line"
label: qsTr("Show Center Line")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Center Line"]
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Line Position"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Position")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Line Position"]
model: [qsTr("Both"), qsTr("Up"), qsTr("Down")]
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Data Length"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Length")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Length"]
model: [64, 32, 16, 8]
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Channel"
label: qsTr("Channel")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Channel"]
model: [qsTr("Left Channel"), qsTr("Right Channel"), qsTr("Stereo")]
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Rotate Settings"
label: qsTr("Rotate Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable
name: "Center Enable"
label: qsTr("Rotate Center Line")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Center Enable"]
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Center Angle"
label: qsTr("Angle of Center Line")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable.value
from: -45
to: 45
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Center Angle"]
displayValue: value + "°"
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable
name: "Line Enable"
label: qsTr("Rotate Spectrum Line")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Line Enable"]
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Line Angle"
label: qsTr("Angle of Spectrum Line")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable.value
from: -75
to: 75
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Line Angle"]
displayValue: value + "°"
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Data Settings"
label: qsTr("Data Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_dataSettings_autoNormalizing
name: "Auto Normalizing"
label: qsTr("Auto Normalizing")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Auto Normalizing"]
P.SpinPreference {
name: "Amplitude"
label: qsTr("Amplitude Ratio")
enabled: !_cfg_preset_line_dataSettings_autoNormalizing.value
message: "1 to 100"
display: P.TextFieldPreference.ExpandLabel
editable: true
from: 1
to: 100
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Amplitude"]
P.Separator {}
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Unit Style"
label: qsTr("Display Style")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Data Settings"]["Unit Style"]
model: [qsTr("Linear"), qsTr("Decibel")]


@ -1,37 +1,129 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.12
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "../../qml/api"
AdvpStyleTemplate {
style: AdvpCanvasTemplate {
style: Rectangle {
id: main
width: widget.width;
height: widget.height;
property bool gradientEnable
property bool centerLineFlag
property string center_color
property real center_width
property int linePosition
property bool vertical_flag
property real _y_dy
LinearGradient {
id: gradient_mask
anchors.fill: parent
visible: gradientEnable
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop { id: p_start; position: 0.0 }
GradientStop { id: p_middle; position: 0.5 }
GradientStop { id: p_end; position: 1.0 }
Canvas {
id: centerLine
anchors.fill: parent
contextType: "2d"
renderTarget: Canvas.FramebufferObject
renderStrategy: Canvas.Cooperative
visible: centerLineFlag && !gradientEnable
onPaint: {
context.clearRect(0, 0, width+32, height+32);
context.fillStyle = center_color;
if (vertical_flag) {
if (linePosition) {
let _y = width/2 + width/2*(3-2*linePosition)*Boolean(linePosition);
context.fillRect(_y+(linePosition-2)*center_width, 0, center_width, height);
} else {
context.fillRect(width/2-_y_dy-center_width/2, 0, center_width, width);
} else {
if (linePosition) {
let _y = height/2 + height/2*(3-2*linePosition)*Boolean(linePosition);
context.fillRect(0, _y+(linePosition-2)*center_width, width, center_width);
} else {
context.fillRect(0, height/2-_y_dy-center_width/2, width, center_width);
layer.enabled: true
layer.effect: OpacityMask{
maskSource: AdvpCanvasTemplate {
readonly property var audioData: new Array(128)
readonly property bool centerLineFlag: configs["Center Line"]
readonly property string center_color: configs["Center Color"]
readonly property string line_color: configs["Line Color"]
readonly property int linePosition: configs["Line Position"]
readonly property int uDataLen: Math.pow(2, configs["Data Length"]);
readonly property int dataLength: 64/uDataLen
readonly property int channel: configs["Channel"]
readonly property bool centerRotateFlag: configs["Rotate Settings"]["Center Enable"]
readonly property real centerRotateAngle: configs["Rotate Settings"]["Center Angle"]*Math.PI/180
readonly property real centerRotateAngleTangent: centerRotateFlag*Math.tan(configs["Rotate Settings"]["Center Angle"]*Math.PI/180)
readonly property bool lineRotateFlag: configs["Rotate Settings"]["Line Enable"]
readonly property real lineRotateAngle: configs["Rotate Settings"]["Line Angle"]*Math.PI/180
readonly property real lineRotateAngleTangent: lineRotateFlag*Math.tan(configs["Rotate Settings"]["Line Angle"]*Math.PI/180)
readonly property bool autoNormalizing: configs["Data Settings"]["Auto Normalizing"]
readonly property real amplitude: 400.0/configs["Data Settings"]["Amplitude"]
readonly property int unitStyle: configs["Data Settings"]["Unit Style"]
property real halfWidth: width/2
property real halfHeight: height/2
readonly property real xOffset: configs["Rotate Settings"]["X Offset"]/100
readonly property real yOffset: configs["Rotate Settings"]["Y Offset"]/100
readonly property real xScale: configs["Rotate Settings"]["X Scale"]/100
readonly property real yScale: configs["Rotate Settings"]["Y Scale"]/100
readonly property real halfWidth: vertical_flag ? height/2 : width/2
readonly property real halfHeight: vertical_flag ? width/2 : height/2
readonly property int l_start: (channel===1)*dataLength
readonly property int r_stop: dataLength+dataLength*(channel!==0)
readonly property int total: r_stop-l_start
readonly property real _y_dy: centerRotateFlag*Math.tan(centerRotateAngle)*halfWidth
readonly property real _ux: width/(r_stop-l_start)
readonly property real _ux: halfWidth*2/(r_stop-l_start)
readonly property real _dx: Math.round(_ux/2)
onWidthChanged: {
if (gradientEnable) {
gradient_mask.end = Qt.point(width*(configs["Gradient Direction"]!==1), height*(configs["Gradient Direction"]%2));
onHeightChanged: {
if (gradientEnable) {
gradient_mask.start = Qt.point(0, height*(configs["Gradient Direction"]===2));
gradient_mask.end = Qt.point(width*(configs["Gradient Direction"]!==1), height*(configs["Gradient Direction"]%2));
onConfigsUpdated: {
centerLineFlag = configs["Center Line"];
center_color = configs["Center Color"];
center_width = configs["Center Width"]/10;
linePosition = configs["Line Position"];
vertical_flag = configs["Direction"];
gradientEnable = configs["Enable Gradient"];
context.lineWidth = configs["Line Width"];
main.color = configs["Line Color"];
_y_dy = configs["Rotate Settings"]["Center Enable"]*Math.tan(configs["Rotate Settings"]["Center Angle"]*Math.PI/180)*(vertical_flag ? height/2 : width/2);
if (gradientEnable) {
gradient_mask.start = Qt.point(0, height*(configs["Gradient Direction"]===2));
gradient_mask.end = Qt.point(width*(configs["Gradient Direction"]!==1), height*(configs["Gradient Direction"]%2));
p_start.color = configs["Start Position Color"];
p_middle.color = configs["Middle Position Color"];
p_end.color = configs["End Position Color"];
onAudioDataUpdeted: {
let normalizing_ratio = autoNormalizing ? data[128] : amplitude;
if (unitStyle) {
@ -72,9 +164,45 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
let _y;
let _dy;
if (vertical_flag) {
if(lineRotateFlag || centerRotateFlag) {
context.transform(yScale, lineRotateAngleTangent, -centerRotateAngleTangent, xScale, 2*_y_dy+yOffset*height, xOffset*width-lineRotateAngleTangent*(halfHeight-_y_dy));
context.fillStyle = line_color;
for (let i=l_start; i<r_stop; i++) {
_y = halfHeight*(1-(linePosition!==2)*audioData[i])-_y_dy;
_dy = (halfHeight + (!linePosition)*halfHeight)*audioData[i];
context.fillRect(_y, _ux * (i-l_start), _dy, _dx);
if (centerLineFlag) {
context.fillRect(halfHeight-_y_dy-center_width/2, 0, center_width, height);
} else if (linePosition) {
let _flag = 1-2*(linePosition===1);
_y = halfHeight + halfHeight*(3-2*linePosition)*Boolean(linePosition);
context.fillStyle = line_color;
for (let i=l_start; i<r_stop; i++) {
_dy = width*audioData[i]*_flag;
context.fillRect(_y, _ux * (i-l_start), _dy, _dx);
if (centerLineFlag) {
context.fillRect(_y+(linePosition-2)*center_width, 0, center_width, height);
} else {
context.fillStyle = line_color;
for (let i=l_start; i<r_stop; i++) {
_y = halfHeight*(1-(linePosition!==2)*audioData[i])-_y_dy;
_dy = (halfHeight + (!linePosition)*halfHeight)*audioData[i];
context.fillRect(_y, _ux * (i-l_start), _dy, _dx);
if (centerLineFlag) {
context.fillRect(halfHeight-_y_dy-center_width/2, 0, center_width, height);
} else {
if(lineRotateFlag || centerRotateFlag) {
context.transform(1, Math.sin(centerRotateFlag*centerRotateAngle), -Math.sin(lineRotateFlag*lineRotateAngle), 1, Math.sin(lineRotateFlag*lineRotateAngle)*(halfHeight-_y_dy), 0);
context.transform(xScale, centerRotateAngleTangent, -lineRotateAngleTangent, yScale, xOffset*width+lineRotateAngleTangent*(halfHeight-_y_dy), yOffset*height);
context.fillStyle = line_color;
for (let i=l_start; i<r_stop; i++) {
_y = halfHeight*(1-(linePosition!==2)*audioData[i])-_y_dy;
@ -82,8 +210,7 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
context.fillRect(_ux * (i-l_start), _y, _dx, _dy);
if (centerLineFlag) {
context.fillStyle = center_color;
context.fillRect(0, halfHeight-_y_dy, width, 2);
context.fillRect(0, halfHeight-_y_dy-center_width/2, width, center_width);
} else if (linePosition) {
@ -95,8 +222,7 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
context.fillRect(_ux * (i-l_start), _y, _dx, _dy);
if (centerLineFlag) {
context.fillStyle = center_color;
context.fillRect(0, _y-(2-linePosition)*2, width, 2);
context.fillRect(0, _y+(linePosition-2)*center_width, width, center_width);
} else {
context.fillStyle = line_color;
@ -106,35 +232,57 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
context.fillRect(_ux * (i-l_start), _y, _dx, _dy);
if (centerLineFlag) {
context.fillStyle = center_color;
context.fillRect(0, halfHeight-_y_dy, width, 2);
context.fillRect(0, halfHeight-_y_dy-center_width/2, width, center_width);
Component.onCompleted: {
onCompleted: {
for (let i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;
onVersionUpdated: {
if (widget.settings.current_style === "nvg://") {
widget.settings.current_style = "nvg://";
widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style] = updateObject(widget.settings["nvg://"], widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style]);
widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style]["Enable Gradient"] = true;
delete widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style]["Version"];
widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style] = updateObject(defaultValues, widget.settings[widget.settings.current_style]);
defaultValues: {
"Version": "1.2.0",
"Version": "1.3.0",
"Enable Gradient": false,
"Gradient Direction": 0,
"Start Position Color": "#f44336",
"Middle Position Color": "#4caf50",
"End Position Color": "#03a9f4",
"Center Line": true,
"Center Color": "#ff4500",
"Center Width": 20,
"Line Color": "#ff4500",
"Line Position": 0,
"Data Length": 0,
"Channel": 2,
"Direction": 0,
"Rotate Settings": {
"Center Enable": false,
"Center Angle": 10,
"Line Enable": false,
"Line Angle": 10
"Line Angle": 10,
"X Scale": 100,
"Y Scale": 100,
"X Offset": 0,
"Y Offset": 0
"Data Settings": {
"Auto Normalizing": true,
@ -147,6 +295,44 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
version: defaultValues["Version"]
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_enable_gradient
name: "Enable Gradient"
label: qsTr("Enable Gradient")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Enable Gradient"]
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Gradient Direction"
label: qsTr("Gradient Direction")
visible: _cfg_enable_gradient.value
defaultValue: defaultValues["Gradient Direction"]
model: [qsTr("Horizontal"), qsTr("Vertical"), qsTr("Oblique Upward"), qsTr("Oblique downward")]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Start Position Color"
label: qsTr("Start Position Color")
visible: _cfg_enable_gradient.value
defaultValue: defaultValues["Start Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Middle Position Color"
label: qsTr("Middle Position Color")
visible: _cfg_enable_gradient.value
defaultValue: defaultValues["Middle Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "End Position Color"
label: qsTr("End Position Color")
visible: _cfg_enable_gradient.value
defaultValue: defaultValues["End Position Color"]
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Center_Line
name: "Center Line"
label: qsTr("Show Center Line")
@ -156,15 +342,35 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Center Color"
label: qsTr("Center Line Color")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Center_Line.value
visible: !_cfg_enable_gradient.value && _cfg_preset_line_Center_Line.value
defaultValue: defaultValues["Center Color"]
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Center Width"
label: qsTr("Center Line Width")
visible: _cfg_preset_line_Center_Line.value
from: 1
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Center Width"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.Separator {}
P.SelectPreference {
id: _cfg_direction
name: "Direction"
label: qsTr("Direction")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Direction"]
model: [qsTr("Horizontal"), qsTr("Vertical")]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Line Color"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Color")
visible: !_cfg_enable_gradient.value
defaultValue: defaultValues["Line Color"]
@ -172,7 +378,7 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
name: "Line Position"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Position")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Line Position"]
model: [qsTr("Both"), qsTr("Up"), qsTr("Down")]
model: [qsTr("Both"), [qsTr("Up"), qsTr("Left")][_cfg_direction.value], [qsTr("Down"), qsTr("Right")][_cfg_direction.value]]
P.SelectPreference {
@ -228,12 +434,58 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
name: "Line Angle"
label: qsTr("Angle of Spectrum Line")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable.value
from: -75
to: 75
from: -45
to: 45
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Line Angle"]
displayValue: value + "°"
P.Separator {}
P.SliderPreference {
name: "X Scale"
label: qsTr("Scale of Center Line Direction")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable.value || _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable.value
from: 1
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["X Scale"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Y Scale"
label: qsTr("Scale of Spectrum Line Direction")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable.value || _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable.value
from: 1
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Y Scale"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "X Offset"
label: qsTr("Offset of Center Line Direction")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable.value || _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable.value
from: -100
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["X Offset"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Y Offset"
label: qsTr("Offset of Spectrum Line Direction")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable.value || _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable.value
from: -100
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Y Offset"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.Separator {}


@ -1,10 +1,47 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.12
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "../../qml/api"
AdvpStyleTemplate {
style: AdvpCanvasTemplate {
style: Rectangle {
id: main
width: widget.width;
height: widget.height;
property int gradientStyle
RadialGradient {
id: radialGradient
anchors.fill: parent
visible: gradientStyle===1
horizontalRadius: Math.min(width, height)/2
verticalRadius: horizontalRadius
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop {id: radialGradient_pstart}
GradientStop {id: radialGradient_pmiddle}
GradientStop {id: radialGradient_pend}
ConicalGradient {
id: conicalGradient
anchors.fill: parent
visible: gradientStyle===2
angle: -90;
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop{id: conicalGradient_pstart; position: 0.0}
GradientStop{id: conicalGradient_pquarter; position: 0.25}
GradientStop {id: conicalGradient_phalf; position: 0.5}
GradientStop {id: conicalGradient_p3quarter; position: 0.75}
GradientStop{id: conicalGradient_pend; position: 1.0}
layer.enabled: true
layer.effect: OpacityMask{
maskSource: AdvpCanvasTemplate {
readonly property var audioData: new Array(128)
@ -40,8 +77,23 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
onConfigsUpdated: {
gradientStyle = configs["Gradient Style"];
context.lineWidth = configs["Line Width"];
context.strokeStyle = configs["Main Color"];
main.color = configs["Main Color"];
if (gradientStyle === 1) {
radialGradient_pstart.color = configs["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Inside Position Color"];
radialGradient_pstart.position = configs["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Inside Position"]/100;
radialGradient_pmiddle.color = configs["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Middle Position Color"];
radialGradient_pmiddle.position = configs["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Middle Position"]/100;
radialGradient_pend.color = configs["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Outside Position Color"];
radialGradient_pend.position = configs["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Outside Position"]/100;
} else if (gradientStyle === 2) {
conicalGradient_pstart.color = configs["Conical Gradient Settings"]["Start Position Color"];
conicalGradient_pquarter.color = configs["Conical Gradient Settings"]["Quarter Position Color"];
conicalGradient_phalf.color = configs["Conical Gradient Settings"]["Middle Position Color"];
conicalGradient_p3quarter.color = configs["Conical Gradient Settings"]["End Position Color"];
conicalGradient_pend.color = configs["Conical Gradient Settings"]["Start Position Color"];
function createPoint() {
@ -60,6 +112,7 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
conicalGradient.rotation = offsetAngle;
offsetAngle = rotateFlag ? ((offsetAngle + rSpeed) % 360) : angle;
@ -113,19 +166,36 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
Component.onCompleted: {
onCompleted: {
for (let i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;
defaultValues: {
"Version": "1.1.0",
"Version": "1.2.0",
"Gradient Style": 0,
"Radial Gradient Settings": {
"Inside Position Color": "#f44336",
"Middle Position Color": "#4caf50",
"Outside Position Color": "#03a9f4",
"Inside Position": 40,
"Middle Position": 60,
"Outside Position": 80
"Conical Gradient Settings": {
"Start Position Color": "#f44336",
"Quarter Position Color": "#4caf50",
"Middle Position Color": "#03a9f4",
"End Position Color": "#ffeb3b"
"Main Color": "#ff4500",
"Line Position": 0,
"Line Width": 1,
"Max Range": 50,
"Max Range": 80,
"Data Length": 0,
"Channel": 2,
"Reverse": false,
@ -142,9 +212,107 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
preference: AdvpPreference {
version: defaultValues["Version"]
P.SelectPreference {
id: _cfg_gradient_style
name: "Gradient Style"
label: qsTr("Gradient Style")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Gradient Style"]
model: [qsTr("None"), qsTr("Radial Gradient"), qsTr("Conical Gradient")]
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Radial Gradient Settings"
label: qsTr("Radial Gradient Settings")
live: true
visible: _cfg_gradient_style.value===1
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Inside Position Color"
label: qsTr("Inside Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Inside Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Middle Position Color"
label: qsTr("Middle Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Middle Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Outside Position Color"
label: qsTr("Outside Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Outside Position Color"]
P.SliderPreference {
id: _cfg_gradient_settings_inside_position
name: "Inside Position"
label: qsTr("Inside Position")
from: 0
to: 75
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Inside Position"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
id: _cfg_gradient_settings_middle_position
name: "Middle Position"
label: qsTr("Middle Position")
from: _cfg_gradient_settings_inside_position.value + 1
to: 90
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Middle Position"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Outside Position"
label: qsTr("Outside Position")
from: _cfg_gradient_settings_middle_position.value + 1
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Radial Gradient Settings"]["Outside Position"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Conical Gradient Settings"
label: qsTr("Conical Gradient Settings")
live: true
visible: _cfg_gradient_style.value===2
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Start Position Color"
label: qsTr("Start Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Conical Gradient Settings"]["Start Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Quarter Position Color"
label: qsTr("Quarter Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Conical Gradient Settings"]["Quarter Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Middle Position Color"
label: qsTr("Middle Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Conical Gradient Settings"]["Middle Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "End Position Color"
label: qsTr("End Position Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Conical Gradient Settings"]["End Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Main Color"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Color")
visible: !_cfg_gradient_style.value
defaultValue: defaultValues["Main Color"]
@ -195,8 +363,6 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
defaultValue: defaultValues["Channel"]
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
name: "Reverse"
label: qsTr("Reverse Spectrum")


@ -1,10 +1,31 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.12
import NERvGear.Preferences 1.0 as P
import "../../qml/api"
AdvpStyleTemplate {
style: AdvpCanvasTemplate {
style: Rectangle {
id: main
width: widget.width;
height: widget.height;
property bool gradientEnable
LinearGradient {
id: gradient_mask
anchors.fill: parent
visible: gradientEnable
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop { id: p_start; position: 0.0 }
GradientStop { id: p_middle; position: 0.5 }
GradientStop { id: p_end; position: 1.0 }
layer.enabled: true
layer.effect: OpacityMask{
maskSource: AdvpCanvasTemplate {
readonly property var audioData: new Array(128)
readonly property bool autoNormalizing: configs["Data Settings"]["Auto Normalizing"]
@ -16,13 +37,43 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
readonly property int total: dataLength*2
readonly property real ux: width/(total+1)
readonly property real halfHeight: height/2
readonly property bool vertical_flag: configs["Direction"]
readonly property real halfWidth: vertical_flag ? height/2 : width/2
readonly property real halfHeight: vertical_flag ? width/2 : height/2
readonly property real ux: halfWidth*2/(total+1)
readonly property real _y_dy: centerRotateAngleTangent*halfWidth
readonly property bool centerRotateFlag: configs["Rotate Settings"]["Center Enable"]
readonly property real centerRotateAngleTangent: centerRotateFlag*Math.tan(configs["Rotate Settings"]["Center Angle"]*Math.PI/180)
readonly property bool lineRotateFlag: configs["Rotate Settings"]["Line Enable"]
readonly property real lineRotateAngleTangent: lineRotateFlag*Math.tan(configs["Rotate Settings"]["Line Angle"]*Math.PI/180)
readonly property real xOffset: configs["Rotate Settings"]["X Offset"]/100
readonly property real yOffset: configs["Rotate Settings"]["Y Offset"]/100
readonly property real xScale: configs["Rotate Settings"]["X Scale"]/100
readonly property real yScale: configs["Rotate Settings"]["Y Scale"]/100
onWidthChanged: {
gradient_mask.end = Qt.point(width*(configs["Gradient Direction"]!==1), height*(configs["Gradient Direction"]%2));
onHeightChanged: {
gradient_mask.start = Qt.point(0, height*(configs["Gradient Direction"]===2));
gradient_mask.end = Qt.point(width*(configs["Gradient Direction"]!==1), height*(configs["Gradient Direction"]%2));
onConfigsUpdated: {
gradientEnable = configs["Enable Gradient"];
context.lineWidth = configs["Line Width"];
context.strokeStyle = configs["Line Color"];
main.color = configs["Line Color"];
if (gradientEnable) {
gradient_mask.start = Qt.point(0, height*(configs["Gradient Direction"]===2));
gradient_mask.end = Qt.point(width*(configs["Gradient Direction"]!==1), height*(configs["Gradient Direction"]%2));
p_start.color = configs["Start Position Color"];
p_middle.color = configs["Middle Position Color"];
p_end.color = configs["End Position Color"];
onAudioDataUpdeted: {
@ -62,8 +113,24 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
context.clearRect(0, 0, width+32, height+32);
if (vertical_flag) {
if (lineRotateFlag || centerRotateFlag) {
context.transform(yScale, lineRotateAngleTangent, -centerRotateAngleTangent, xScale, _y_dy+yOffset*height, xOffset*width-lineRotateAngleTangent*(halfHeight));
context.moveTo(halfHeight, 0);
for (let i=0; i<dataLength*2; i+=2) {
context.lineTo(halfHeight*(1+audioData[i]), ux*i);
context.lineTo(halfHeight*(1-audioData[i+1]), ux*(i+1));
context.lineTo(halfHeight, height);
} else {
if (lineRotateFlag || centerRotateFlag) {
context.transform(xScale, centerRotateAngleTangent, -lineRotateAngleTangent, yScale, xOffset*width+lineRotateAngleTangent*(halfHeight), yOffset*height-_y_dy);
context.moveTo(0, halfHeight);
for (let i=0; i<dataLength*2; i+=2) {
@ -72,23 +139,41 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
context.lineTo(width, halfHeight);
Component.onCompleted: {
onCompleted: {
for (let i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
audioData[i] = 0;
defaultValues: {
"Version": "1.1.0",
"Line Width": 1,
"Version": "1.2.0",
"Enable Gradient": false,
"Gradient Direction": 0,
"Start Position Color": "#f44336",
"Middle Position Color": "#4caf50",
"End Position Color": "#03a9f4",
"Line Color": "#ff4500",
"Line Width": 1,
"Data Length": 0,
"Direction": 0,
"Rotate Settings": {
"Center Enable": false,
"Center Angle": 10,
"Line Enable": false,
"Line Angle": 10,
"X Scale": 100,
"Y Scale": 100,
"X Offset": 0,
"Y Offset": 0
"Data Settings": {
"Auto Normalizing": true,
"Amplitude": 10,
@ -99,6 +184,58 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
preference: AdvpPreference {
version: defaultValues["Version"]
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_enable_gradient
name: "Enable Gradient"
label: qsTr("Enable Gradient")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Enable Gradient"]
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Gradient Direction"
label: qsTr("Gradient Direction")
visible: _cfg_enable_gradient.value
defaultValue: defaultValues["Gradient Direction"]
model: [qsTr("Horizontal"), qsTr("Vertical"), qsTr("Oblique Upward"), qsTr("Oblique downward")]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Start Position Color"
label: qsTr("Start Position Color")
visible: _cfg_enable_gradient.value
defaultValue: defaultValues["Start Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Middle Position Color"
label: qsTr("Middle Position Color")
visible: _cfg_enable_gradient.value
defaultValue: defaultValues["Middle Position Color"]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "End Position Color"
label: qsTr("End Position Color")
visible: _cfg_enable_gradient.value
defaultValue: defaultValues["End Position Color"]
P.Separator {}
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Direction"
label: qsTr("Direction")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Direction"]
model: [qsTr("Horizontal"), qsTr("Vertical")]
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Line Color"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Color")
visible: !_cfg_enable_gradient.value
defaultValue: defaultValues["Line Color"]
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Line Width"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Width")
@ -109,14 +246,6 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
displayValue: value.toFixed(1) + "px"
P.ColorPreference {
name: "Line Color"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Line Color")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Line Color"]
P.Separator {}
P.SelectPreference {
name: "Data Length"
label: qsTr("Spectrum Length")
@ -124,6 +253,101 @@ AdvpStyleTemplate {
model: [64, 32, 16, 8]
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Rotate Settings"
label: qsTr("Rotate Settings")
live: true "regular:\uf1de"
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable
name: "Center Enable"
label: qsTr("Rotate Center Line")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Center Enable"]
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Center Angle"
label: qsTr("Angle of Center Line")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable.value
from: -45
to: 45
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Center Angle"]
displayValue: value + "°"
P.Separator {}
P.SwitchPreference {
id: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable
name: "Line Enable"
label: qsTr("Rotate Spectrum Line")
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Line Enable"]
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Line Angle"
label: qsTr("Angle of Spectrum Line")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable.value
from: -45
to: 45
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Line Angle"]
displayValue: value + "°"
P.Separator {}
P.SliderPreference {
name: "X Scale"
label: qsTr("Scale of Center Line Direction")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable.value || _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable.value
from: 1
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["X Scale"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Y Scale"
label: qsTr("Scale of Spectrum Line Direction")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable.value || _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable.value
from: 1
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Y Scale"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "X Offset"
label: qsTr("Offset of Center Line Direction")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable.value || _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable.value
from: -100
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["X Offset"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.SliderPreference {
name: "Y Offset"
label: qsTr("Offset of Spectrum Line Direction")
enabled: _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Line_Enable.value || _cfg_preset_line_Rotate_Center_Enable.value
from: -100
to: 100
stepSize: 1
defaultValue: defaultValues["Rotate Settings"]["Y Offset"]
displayValue: value + "%"
P.Separator {}
P.DialogPreference {
name: "Data Settings"
label: qsTr("Data Settings")
